PC Stuck with blue screen

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PCHF Member
Jul 23, 2023
Complete psu spec's as well. Have you tried another monitor to test?
no monitor test i have some software test with MemTest86.
Foxin FPS 500S SMPS & Power Supply
Motherboard -Power x h81
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It looks like you are using the internal gpu . The mem test is for a memory test. The monitor test would be to see if it is the monitor or your internal garphics.
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It looks like you are using the internal gpu . The mem test is for a memory test. The monitor test would be to see if it is the monitor or your internal garphics
what s/w is best for testing can you please suggest
If you restart the computer in Safe Mode (press F8 when you first turn on the comupter), is the screen the same?
yes no problem for screen . but randomly freezes and blue screen issue

so even in Safe Mode, you were getting BSOD's and freezes?
is that Foxin power supply 200 watts?

let’s use Speccy to get your complete PC specs.
get Speccy from here; https://www.piriform.com/speccy/builds
in Speccy, click File > Publish Snapshot (hit Yes if prompted to proceed with publish) > Copy to Clipboard > Close.
now you can paste (Ctrl+V) that link into your next post.

Is Speccy safe?

and to get started on some hardware troubleshooting, remove the memory sticks, wipe their circuit boards, contact pins, and motherboard slots with a soft bristled brush.
put one back at a time.
if problem repeats, try same stick in another slot.
if problem repeats, use a different stick in first slot.
repeat until all sticks reseated, or faulty stick/slot identified.
i don't think its the monitor issue because at the same time keyboard also not working!
no i tried safemode 2 hrs no freezes .for power supply its 200W

How are you managing to use the computer if the keyboard does not work.

You need to provide the following information;

The brand and model name or number for the CPU, MB, the RAM ( including the amount and speed ) and add on video card if one is used providing these details will enable folk to better help you.

The PSU btw should come with a public health warning it is so bad :cautious:
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