PC slow at loading things

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PCHF Member
Sep 2, 2021
PC starts usually in 5 minutes, loads things very slow, but when it comes to performing things in programs it works with no problem i think it is some kind of a hardware problem might be the ssd im not sure. Ima give an example you boot up a game and the main menu opens up in a full minute then you press play it takes like 30 seconds there as well and when you actually play the game it works like butter 250 fps always no problems etc. you get the point. No overusage of cpu, gpu, disk, memory either i check it everytime it happenes on the task manager. I recently opened my pc case cleaned the dust, resetted my pc's ssd c: drive and no good results so far sadly. My last hopes are here before i go to somewhere irl with the case. I tried to publish my speccy but it keeps giving an error saying "The HTTP redirect request must be confirmed by the user." so i attached the txt file of my speccy.

Edit by phillpower2: Removed Speccy log for security.
Post the brand and model name or number of the power supply (PSU).

Do the below to see if you can get a Speccy url to us.

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
Post the brand and model name or number of the power supply (PSU).

Do the below to see if you can get a Speccy url to us.

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
Sadly as I said in my thread, when I try to publish my snapshot, it gives me an error saying "The HTTP redirect request must be confirmed by user". I can not paste a snapshot link so I guess I can't get any help. Welp...
Post the brand and model name or number of the power supply (PSU).

Speccy url asides, you could have provided the above information.

Just a fyi, your Speccy log was removed because it contained your Windows product key and the bad guys just love having such information as they can use the product key themselves and you then one day find yourself locked out of Windows updates because the MS servers have detected multiple uses of the same product key.
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