PC shutting down when watching Youtube or playing video games

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PCHF Member
Mar 21, 2023
Hello. So whenever I start my pc and go to watch a Youtube video, my computer crashes down instantly. This happens when I'm playing some video games. My CPU was overheating, so I updated my drivers, changed the thermal paste and CPU Cooler. Now my CPU isn't overheating but I'm still getting this PC shut down problem. I would be really happy if someone could help me with this problem.
Hello @Dodasius and welcome home to PCHF :)

Are you able to download HWInfo and take a snippet of your temps?

Shut down is due to overheating issues and/or voltage issues
When HWInfo first loads, check the box that says Sensors Only then click the CPU [#0] down arrow and it will show you all temps.

It will also show you the voltages as well
When HWInfo first loads, check the box that says Sensors Only then click the CPU [#0] down arrow and it will show you all temps.

It will also show you the voltages as well
I think you are talking about this thing?
CPU temps and wattage looks good.

There is a way to get to the bottom of the failure through stress testing. There is CPU stress testing and GPU stress testing.

Does it shut off when it's idling?
CPU temps and wattage looks good.

There is a way to get to the bottom of the failure through stress testing. There is CPU stress testing and GPU stress testing.

Does it shut off when it's id
It shuts down when I'm using my computer a lot. it happens when I'm playing and speaking on a discord call at the same time, or when I'm watching videos
Let's try doing a stress test on your CPU first.

Go ahead and download Cinebench from the Microsoft Store here and run it. If it completes successfully, please post the results. If it crashes, it means the problem lies with the CPU/board/PSU.
Perfect. Now we will go ahead and do a GPU stress test.

Go ahead and download FurMark and run it. If it finishes successfully, please let us know. If it crashes here, that means the GPU is at fault
Sorry been busy with work.

Have you tried using DDU to uninstall the video drivers and then doing a clean install of them?
I've done it but it still turns off when I play FiveM, but now it doesn't crash when I watch videos
can I suggest that now you have re-installed Windows, you only install one thing at a time, then test if the issue re-appears.
if not, install the next thing and test again.
can I suggest that now you have re-installed Windows, you only install one thing at a time, then test if the issue re-appears.
if not, install the next thing and test again.
I've reinstalled Windows, but it's still crashing everytime I watch Youtube videos fullscreen or play some video games.
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