Pc rebooting over and over

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PCHF Member
Apr 26, 2020
Hello. My pc crashes when I turn it on. It shows the usual screen, then, when it goes into boot menu, it restarts.
Sorry but it is impossible to even be able to begin to help when we know absolutely nothing about the computer or operating system that is on it.

Please provide information about your computer, is it a custom build or brand name such as Dell or HP, if a brand name, provide the model name or series number (not serial) if a custom build post the brand and model name or number for the CPU, MB, the RAM (including the amount) add on video card if one is used and the PSU (power supply unit) providing these details will enable folk to better assist you.
It's a custom build. Core 2 quad, asus 3450hd 512mb vram, 2gb ram, 500gb samsung hdd. It threw at me first some harddrive failing errors. I dual booted windows 7 and 8.
HDD failure or Windows corruption are both possible causes.

Try restarting and tapping the F8 key to see if you are able to get into Safe Mode.
K, no need to reply unless you are providing feedback on any test results.

Btw, if no joy with safe mode, we need the previously requested motherboard and power supply info.
It didnt work, it just showed "no signal" on my monitor and it restarted. Im gonna unplug and check the motherboard and power supply.
The power supply is a BOXHEAT+ 500W LC-8500BTX. The motherboard is an Intel desktop board.
It threw at me first some harddrive failing errors
, it just showed "no signal" on my monitor
Two completely separate issues, a bad HDD or corrupt Windows will not stop you from getting a display but both a bad power supply or video card would.

Can` t find any info on that PSU which is a sign that it is not a good brand.

We need the exact MB details so that we can check the specs which it turn helps us with what we can suggest for you.
Thr motherboard is an Intel DG33FB or similar model. It looks the same. I forgot to say that I can enter in the bios.
Ok, that MB has integrated graphics which was what we were originally hoping for but now that we know you can get into the BIOS the GPU and PSU could be ok, I say could because the computer is not under any load when you are in the BIOS so a weak PSU could still be enough to power up just the MB.

As you can get into the BIOS you should check to see if the HDD is detected.

Is the HDD identified in the BIOS, a Seagate HDD for example will be listed something like ST1000DM004 and a Western Digital along the lines of WD10JPLX other brands will have similar identification codes, only when such an ID code is present is a HDD actually detected and an entry simply listed as SATA HDD means that the BIOS will and has looked for a HDD in that particular boot sequence but no HDD was detected.
Is that how your HDD is listed in the BIOS.

If it is, is it listed as the first boot device.

What is unusual about this is the fact that if there was a problem with the HDD or Windows you would normally just get an on screen message saying either restart and select a proper boot device or no HDD or OS found, you not mentioning either but instead telling us that you were getting a no signal message points more towards either a bad GPU or PSU.
I cant upload images or videos. Have you got discord? I cant send the images there. I can't explain properly because i'm romanian and english is my second language. My name is ChunkyMatter#8709
You could be right but as explained the behaviour is not typical of HDD failure.

Back to your MB, is the board here the same as what you have
The following checks require the computer case to be opened so take the following safety precautions 1st, disconnect the power cord from the wall socket, press the case power button for twenty seconds or so to get rid of any residual charge in the system, take anti static precautions before touching anything inside, you can do this by touching a bare metal part of the case or PSU or if a notebook by touching a household radiator or associated copper feed pipe.

Remove the add on video card from the MB altogether and put it somewhere safe.

Hook your screen up to the video port on the MB.

Reassemble, power up, post back with an update for us.
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