PC Randomly Rebooting

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PCHF Member
Sep 20, 2020
Hi there!

I built my first PC about a month ago with the help of my buddy. I am very new to the PC game and I am still trying to learn the ins and outs. Since day one of the build, my pc has randomly restarted about every day. There is no BSOD and no warnings or pop-ups when logging back on. It simply restarts and boots right back up. It tends to only crash when watching YouTube/HBO/Hulu or working/rendering in Premiere. I can play COD or Fortnite for 5-6 hours without a crash, but if I start up my pc and run YouTube it reboots almost immediately.

I've gone through a lot of troubleshooting, reinstalled drivers, reinstalled my applications, etc. I've changed the little settings like accelerated hardware. Nothing has seemed to improve or worsen the problem. As far as I can tell, CPU and GPU temperatures are totally normal and there have been no noticeable spikes. Everything seems to be running perfectly fine other than the restarts.

Here is my rig:
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 3.6 GHz 8-Core Processor
Asus ROG STRIX B550-F GAMING (WI-FI) ATX AM4 Motherboard
G.Skill Ripjaws V 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL19 Team MS30 512 GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive
Seagate Barracuda Compute 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Gigabyte GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB WINDFORCE 2X Video Card
NZXT H510 ATX Mid Tower Case
Thermaltake Smart 600 W 80+ Certified ATX

OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
Build #: 19041. 508

If anyone has any ideas or has had similar issues please share! I'm getting super frustrated and haven't been able to do the amount of work on my pc that I was hoping to. Thanks!
I thought this sounded familiar.
You never got back to us on your other thread :) - https://pchelpforum.net/t/computer-restarting-since-it-was-built.57885/

why the Enterprise version and not Home or Pro?

unlikely to be temperature related since you get 5-6 hours of play time with those games.

your motherboard has inbuilt graphics ports, so if the CPU supports it, try removing the add-on card and only use the mobo ports for a while and see if that narrows it down.
Hi there!

Thank you for your initial response and this one as well! It took me a while to get back on here and by the time I saw your post, I was unable to comment or respond for some reason, so I ended up reposting.

I didn't pay much attention to which version of Windows when I bought an access key and was unaware of any drastic differences. Do you think reinstalling a different version of Windows could potentially solve the problem? If so, do you have recommendations for which version?

I do want to have you clarify your last note. As mentioned, I am very much a novice and I am still learning all the parts and lingo! When you say try removing the add-on card, what exactly do you mean? Remove my GPU?

Thank you so much for your response! This has been a frustrating occurrence especially in the midst of a big editing job, so hopefully, I can get it fixed soon. Thank you so much!
where did you get the access key for your Enterprise version?
sadly, from my experience, a lot of Enterprise versions being flogged on the web are dodgy, for many reasons, but mainly, either a cracked or pirated copy, or they use the key from a Volume License that simply is illegal to do so.

Home would be all you'd need. Pro's main benefit is for office networks.

I looked up that CPU and apparently is has no integrated graphics capability, so will need to run with your current GPU.

it sucks the big one but if for no other option but to cross it off the list, I would download the Windows Media Creation Tool from Microsoft and, using it, get Windows Home 64bit and make a bootable USB stick and install that on your PC.

downside is you'll have to backup your important data and reinstall your software afterwards but the process will tick off the fact it may be the Enterprise installation that is dodgy or the fact the PC may just need a fresh install.
don't worry about a Product Key at this stage, Microsoft gives you 30days before they start hassling you to activate it. that period will allow you to see if we were on the right track.

a quick throw of the dice would be trying another browser, since it sounds like you only get the issue when on You Tube and other general browser related activities.
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