Solved Pc powering up but no display

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PCHF Member
Jun 29, 2017
Please help! I am at my wits end. I recently had my pc plugged into my tv with a dvi- hdmi adaptor (as my graphics card doesn't have a hdmi port). This was all working fine and I was using it at 1920x1080 until the other day I went to turn it on and it didn't work. Since then I have tried connecting it to a different tv, my monitor via vga and dvi but still no joy on anything! I think that it's still trying to display at 1920x1080p but as the monitor doesn't operate at that res it's confused. Please help, I'm losing my hair.
Nathan, when you say "I went to turn it on and it didn't work", are you saying the computer wouldn't boot or that you didn't get any images on the monitor?
Hi Bill, booted fine. Just no image. I've taken the motherboard battery out and tried booting without the graphics card but still no joy.

Some computer specs would help. Did you take the graphics card out because the motherboard has onboard graphics? Did you put the battery back in?
as rock g41m- vs3 motherboard.
GeForce 9600gt graphics card
Ez cool 500w power supply
Team group 4gb ram
Core processor

Yes in an attempt to run off vga, also put battery back in.
If you're not getting any image on the monitor, how do you know the computer 'booted fine'? Even if the monitor resolution is set incorrectly you should have some kind of image, even if it is blurred.
To ad to what Bill has said.
Are you sure that you are on the proper channel for the TV? Most televisions require certain channels to be used in order to see what is being displayed.

Example you connect to the HDMI1 slot on the TV have to be on channel HDMI1 to view.

Hi Bill, booted fine. Just no image. I've taken the motherboard battery out and tried booting without the graphics card but still no joy.
When you did this were you connected to the TV or a Monitor?

When you put the graphics card back into the system did you reconnect the power source to the card?
Yeah definitely sure it was on the right channel and that I didnt miss the boot screen. I have tried connecting to both via the adaptor, dvi and vga and yes made sure that the graphics card was supplied with power.

When you turn the system on do you hear any sound coming form it?
If so what?

If you feel comfortable doing this if you have a spare power supply or one that you could barrow could be that it died.

Check the back of the power supply to see if there is a switch for on/off plus some have a switch to change the voltage input.
Once the system is turned on. Both fan on the motherboard and on the graphics card function. Tried other power supply and had the same result.

At the very least, something should display on the monitor - something telling you what key to press to get into the BIOS and key press for a boot menu. None of that depends on the screen resolution.

If you see nothing, ever, on the monitor then the video card is bad, even if the fan works. Or the monitor is bad, the cable is bad or the power connector from monitor to wall plug is bad. Stick to the monitor and swap out cables to see if anything ever shows on the screen.

You mentioned trying the onboard video. Did you remove the video card when you tried the onboard? (I once installed a video card but connected the monitor to the onboard connector and kept wondering why nothing appeared on the screen.)
I've tried the monitor through my laptop and that works so monitor is all good and yes removed the card completely to avoid it getting confused. It's fustrating because I don't feel like it's broken (despite everything indicating it is...)
Please unplug power cable from computer and hold down power button for 30 seconds and reattached the power cable to see issue resolves.
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