Solved Pc part compatibility and overall looks?

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PCHF Member
May 21, 2021
Hey, im looking to buy a new pc, my first pc at that. I put together component list that i would like for my pc and i need to check the part compability and how it overall looks. I put together a list for my parts that fit for me. Are all the parts compatible, does it work fine as a high end pc? How's the overall look? DId i forget something?
-Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 5800x
-Motherboard: Asus ROG Strix x670-3
-Graphics card: Asus Geforce RTX 3070
-Memory: Corsair 16gb DDR4 3600MHz
-Ssd: Samsung 1TB 980SSD, 3500/3000 MB/s
-Cooling: NZXT Kraken X53, 240mm AIO-Liquid cooling
-Power suppy: Asus ROG Strix 750W
Motherboard: Asus ROG Strix x670-3

Is the above a typo perhaps.

-Memory: Corsair 16gb DDR4 3600MHz

Too fast for your CPU and if you were to enable XMP the RAM would get OCd past what the CPU is comfortable with which is 3200MHz, AMD specs here

Note that if only having 16GB of RAM you need two 8GB sticks and not a single 16GB stick as that would only work in single channel at 1600MHz as opposed to 3200MHz in dual channel.

The rest of the components are all good.

What case are you putting the parts in.
Is the above a typo perhaps.
Oh yeah, oops it's X570-E
Too fast for your CPU and if you were to enable XMP the RAM would get OCd past what the CPU is comfortable with which is 3200MHz, AMD specs here
I see, so i will go with Corsair 2x8GB 3200MHz sticks, or does it make much difference? Do i get CPU which supports 3600MHz or just get 3200MHz sticks. Im wondering how does it affect performance.
What case are you putting the parts in.
For case im getting Fractal Design Define R6, i looked everything should fit there if im not wrong.

Also wondering which is better the AMD Ryzen 7 5800x or Intel I7 11700K?
That MB does support the Ryzen 7 5800X and was confirmed here the MB needs to have the latest BIOS though so you must confirm that it does with the merchant before you make any purchase, get this in writing via an email.

Pay more for 3600MHz RAM if you like but what`s the point, I would only purchase the exact RAM that is good for the CPU.

Nice case and great cooling in particular.

The Ryzen comes out on top but it should do as you are paying more for it benchmarks
Yeah thanks for answering my questions, i decided to go with the i7 and Asus TUF GAMING Z590-PLUS WIFI. Ordered my stuff now, probably have to wait for that RTX3070.
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