PC not booting windows at first start up.

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PCHF Member
May 30, 2019

My Desktop has been giving me a issue I cant figure out. When i turn it on for the first time it loads up goes through POST and starts to load windows but the black screens. What I usually do to fix that is I turn it off then back on again and it works fine. But I happens just about everytime I first start my PC.

My Spec

Motherboard: MSI (not sure the model)
Cpu: AMD FX 6300
Ram: Gskills Ripjaws 16Gb
Gpu: AMD Radeon Rx 580
Psu: Corsair 650 not modular
Case: Cyberpower case

When was the last time you updated your GPU drivers? Also did you get a notification from windows for (a start up issue needs to be fixed) ? What OS do you have?

In addition to the above, are you ok with working inside of a computer, reseating the GPU and RAM + checking all internal connections are secure needs to be done.

Psu: Corsair 650 not modular

What version of this PSU and how old is it.

When was the last time you updated your GPU drivers? Also did you get a notification from windows for (a start up issue needs to be fixed) ? What OS do you have?


Yes I updated the driver's to the GPU and it's a windows 10 OS. I haven't gotten any messages from the OS about it.
In addition to the above, are you ok with working inside of a computer, reseating the GPU and RAM + checking all internal connections are secure needs to be done.

What version of this PSU and how old is it.

Ya I can do that I built this PC and Im not sure how old it is I bought most of the parts from a friend.
If not sure on what version of PSU it is, when you remove and reseat the GPU and RAM can you make a note of anything written on the PSU, it will be something like GS, CX, TX or VS etc.

Check for any dust in the slots while you have the GPU and RAM removed but please don`t be tempted to use a vacuum cleaner to clean up any dust.
In addition to the above, are you ok with working inside of a computer, reseating the GPU and RAM + checking all internal connections are secure needs to be done.

What version of this PSU and how old is it.

One thing I noticed while reseating the ram and GPU is that the GPU was fully in there but It was always running correctly. Could that have been the problem?
If you mean that the GPU was not fully in the slot then yes it could cause such an issue.

Can I ask that you do not quote every reply, it really does not help and just makes for unnecessary reading, thanks.
It still shows that problem after reseating the GPU and ram and all connections are solidly connected.
No worries about the PSU info, the CX 650 had a high failure rate and while not ideal for using with a high end GPU the CX 750 is better.

Can you post the model name or number of the MSI board and the RAM details.

Do you have another screen that you can try or alternatively a notebook that you can hook up to your present screen, this to check if the issue is with the screen itself.
The motherboard is a MS-7641 MSI 760GM-P34 (FX) AMD 760G Motherboard

and the ram is a ripjaws vengeance ddr4 1600mhz
I also have a laptop the I could hook to use for a screen or I have a second monitor I dont use.
The RAM information is incorrect, G.Skill make Ripjaws memory, Vengeance memory is made by Corsair and DDR4 RAM is not compatible with the MS-7641 MSI 760GM-P34 (FX) AMD 760G, you can check the specs here

Try both the external screen and the notebook tests, the more tests that you can do the better.

If using a computer and not a mobile phone, please avoid adding multiple posts while waiting for us to reply to your last, edit your last post to include anything that you wish to add, this will ensure nothing gets overlooked which can sometimes happen if a thread has more than one page, it also avoids filling up folks inbox
Sorry your right its corsair vengeance ddr3 1600mhz. I also tried the two diffrent screens and had the same issue.
Try restoring the MBs default factory settings in the BIOS, they are sometimes listed as one of the following " factory defaults" "most stable" or on newer boards "optimized" please note that if your have both the "most stable" and the "optimized" options in the BIOS you should choose the most stable" option as in this instance the "optimized" settings are a form of overclocking that can cause instability.

If still the same problem occurs can you do the following for us;

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.

If you need to save the results as a txt file can you please edit out your Windows product key before uploading the information here.
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