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PCHF Member
May 4, 2019
Okay so I keep getting a display port no signal in black, and an HDMI no signal in blue, and once in red. My pc was working just fine 2 weeks ago I’ve had all the parts brand new for less than a year. The monitor is an asus Rog strix, XG27VQ, the cables are an HDMI blackweb cable, and the standard display port cable that comes with the graphics card. My graphics card is an asus gtx 1080 ti.

Solutions I’ve tried so far:
-Replacing the display cable with an HDMI cable.
-Making sure the graphics card was plugged in right.
-Unplugging the ram and plugging them back in.

Nothing has worked so far.

Also I notice there’s a red light in the motherboard that switches to greenlight when the problem is occurring. The only thing that seems to work is unplugging the pc and monitor power cables and waiting 5mins-1hr and replugging and then it’ll work fine for 3 hours before the problem reoccurs. This would be fine and dandy if I wasn’t a competitive gamer I can’t just leave a match like that or my team will get penalized, so I need to fix the issue.

I have noticed the cables seem a bit loose, so did I get faulty ports?

Please help as soon as possible thank you!
Welcome to PCHF Chaos,

Your thread title "PC HDMI BLUE SCREEN CRASH" implies that Windows is crashing but "I keep getting a display port no signal in black, and an HDMI no signal in blue, and once in red " sounds more like an overheating problem., if you are getting any Windows Stop codes when this happens check for and if found upload any crash dmps for us, see below;

1. Copy any dmp files from C:\Windows\Minidump onto the desktop.
2. Select all of them, right-click on one, and click on Send To> New Compressed (zipped) Folder.
3. Upload the zip folder using the Attach button, bottom left of the dialogue input box

Please provide information about your computer, is it a custom build or brand name such as Dell or HP, if a brand name, provide the model name or series number (not serial) if a custom build post the brand and model name or number for the MB, the RAM (including the amount) add on video card and the PSU (power supply unit) providing these details will enable us to better assist you.
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