PC freezing in probable cause of CPU change

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Damián Ferraresi

PCHF Member
Oct 10, 2022
Hi, i have recently upgraded my CPU from an AMD Ryzen 3 1200 to a AMD Ryzen 5 5500. I have the MSI A320M-A PRO M2 motherboard and first, i thought i couldn't the Ryzen 5 with this motherboard but i found out that i can by searching on the internet and asking a friend. So i've bought the CPU, updated my BIOS, installed the CPU and the fan that was included and everything was fine. But later, i started experiencing issues, like:
1. My PC froze and the headphones started making a really loud buzzing sound
2. My PC just froze without the buzzing sound
3. My PC randomly starts restarting
3. I got a Windows Blue Screen of Death, always with one of these errors: CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT, SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, BAD_POOL_HEADER.
I tried troubleshooting, i made sure i had the right version of BIOS and at the end i tried to reset my PC, but neither helped. I am still getting this issue on a resetted PC that can have no malware. My CPU temperature is okay, the fan is running like it should. I downloaded a tool to check the hardware health of my PC named HWinfo and i found in the standard flags this (attached screenshot).


I don't really know what these mean, but i wanted to know if anything of my issue had to do something with these "errors". if yes, how could i fix it? If, no what is the issue?
Thank for the support
Update: Now, i event got the DRIVER_OVERRAN STACK BUFFER blue screen error even though i'm pretty sure all my drivers are up to date.
+ I, wanted to say that i usually get this issue while playing games or watching videos, but i get this even while doing not difficult stuff like having opened a Chrome tab. I noticed, that my PC crashes a lot of times for like the first 10 minutes of having it turned on, but after a while it stops happening/happens one more time and then i can use my PC for a long time and it doesn't crash. For example, i turn on Valorant, my PC crashes, i turn on the PC, play Valorant for 2 minutes, it crashes again and the process keeps happening for 10-15 minutes and then nothing. I use my PC normally, it doesn't crash.

Can you please run the below steps?

Please download the Sysnative BSOD Dump + System File Collection App - save to Documents folder. Please note that no personal information is collected using this process

Run the app - Double-click on the downloaded EXE file
Output = new folder created in Documents + a zipped version -- SysnativeFileCollectionApp folder + SysnativeFileCollectionApp.zip.

Please note that the app averages ~3 minutes to run on most systems; other systems - it my take as long as 10-15 minutes to run. Please be patient.

Also note: The app auto-zips the SysnativeFileCollectionApp output folder. It is located in your Documents folder.
Windows Explorer should open and highlight the zipped folder

Please attach the SysnativeFileCollectionApp.zip to your post and await further instructions :)
As the problem begain immediately after changing the cpu I would say it might not be compatible With your system. Is it possible to swap back to the old cpu to confirm this?
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