PC freezes installing Windows.

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PCHF Member
Jan 17, 2023
PC will post, but will immediately freeze when trying to install windows. I've cleared CMOS plenty of times, but have not updated BIOS due to not being able to download ME drivers first. (Asus website says to install ME drivers before BIOS, currently 0401).

I've also run MemTest in BIOS to narrow it down and the mem passed. CPU temps in bios are normal around 37c. Not sure what else it can be. I've tried different NVMEs in different slots as well. Also loosened the cooler mount in case the mounting pressure was too much.

I've created a few different Win Media Creation USB disks. Sometimes I can enter the Win key and start the install, then it will freeze, majority of the time it freezes immediately once I exit BIOS and the windows install screen is visible.

i9 13900k

Strix Z790E MB

Corsair 7200

Asus recommends installing Intel MEI/ME drivers before updating the BIOS.
You are using the Intel driver from the same page as the BIOS update?

Have you reset the BIOS to factory state to see if that clears it?

Confirmed that the date and time are set correctly?
This is a fresh install on a new MB so I haven't been able to update any drivers. The BIOS has been reset to factory, and I did notice the time in the BIOS was off. Didn't check the date.

Some of the time I can get to the window key input, other times it locks up immediately even before getting to the version selection. I can boot into the BIOS no problem.
Correct the Dat and Time.

Need make and model of the
GPU (if there is one)

If there is a GPU, what is you remove and use the onboard do you make any progress?

Was the motherboard the only thing that you replaced?

You did confirm that the parts are combatable?

You are using the Intel driver from the same page as the BIOS update?
GPU is Asus Strix 3080ti (has been removed this while process and currently works in old rig, same result either way)

The only other part that isn't new is one NVME, was used with old rig. Everything else is new. I tried with another brand new NVMe and same result.

PSU is EVGA Supernova 1200 P2
RAM Corsair Vengeance 7200mt
CPU i9 13900k

I replaced the MB using all the same parts thinking that was the issue, I was actually able to install Windows for about a day. Update BIOS, then was unable to load windows shortly after.

Same result except now completely unable to install Windows.

This MB has Memtest built in, so I ran the memory and it passed, the CPU got warm but didn't get higher than 50c during the process.

If its hardware, CPU or mem? Don't know why it would work fine in BIOS or test if so.

Otherwise I'm missing something simple.
Is this the RAM that you are talking about.

If so, it is not combatable with the CPU.

Max Memory Size (dependent on memory type) 128 GB
Memory Types Up to DDR5 5600 MT/s
Up to DDR4 3200 MT/s
Yes, It's 32gb, and xmp isn't enabled and I believe is running at 4800 while trying to install.

This MB does support much higher clocks for DDR5
This MB does support much higher clocks for DDR5
The motherboard does yet the CPU does not.

A CPU has to be compatible with a MB whereas the RAM has to be compatible with both the CPU and the MB, this because a MB may be able to function with faster RAM than the CPU intended for use in the build.
Why would I have been able to install Windows previously (with same model MB) and run memtest if it were not compatible? Is the BIOS not using both CPU and memory together, thus it looked why it was working fine and post?
PC will post, but will immediately freeze when trying to install windows. I've cleared CMOS plenty of times, but have not updated BIOS due to not being able to download ME drivers first. (Asus website says to install ME drivers before BIOS, currently 0401).

Why would I have been able to install Windows previously (with same model MB) and run memtest if it were not compatible? Is the BIOS not using both CPU and memory together, thus it looked why it was working fine and post?

Yes, It's 32gb, and xmp isn't enabled and I believe is running at 4800 while trying to install.

This MB does support much higher clocks for DDR5

I've created a few different Win Media Creation USB disks. Sometimes I can enter the Win key and start the install, then it will freeze, majority of the time it freezes immediately once I exit BIOS and the windows install screen is visible.

You can and or cannot access the system?

Plus, as you stated the system has the RAM set to 4800 which is not the full capability of what the RAM is plus using improper RAM can cause bottlenecking and corrupt data to happen.
I can access the BIOS without issues.

The 4800 is the default setting for the ram before overclock in the BIOS.
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