I am fairly new to building PCs and built my first back in 2016. I decided to do some upgrades to it to keep up with current games but now when I play some games, the graphics driver crashes or I get glitch marks across the screen that come and go when I reset my computer. I also have to reset about once a day for "freezing" type issues.
What I had was...
I upgraded my CPU, GPU, and PSU to...
To install the new CPU, I had to upgrade to a beta bios in order for it to load. Ive also noticed that every once in a while my displays will go black and will get the notification sound of something being unplugged.
I am curious as to what is causing these issues without having to take it to a shop for repair as I have already dumped a ton of money into it unless I have to. I think it might be the motherboard being the only thing not really changed or the new bios does not quite work right.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have already contacted MSI and they did not help much. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!
I am fairly new to building PCs and built my first back in 2016. I decided to do some upgrades to it to keep up with current games but now when I play some games, the graphics driver crashes or I get glitch marks across the screen that come and go when I reset my computer. I also have to reset about once a day for "freezing" type issues.
What I had was...
- Ryzen 5 1400
- B350M Gaming Pro Motherboard
- 1050Ti
- Coolermaster 500
- Ballistix 2x8 3200 Ram
- Ryzen 5 3500X
- 1080
- Coolermaster 700
I am curious as to what is causing these issues without having to take it to a shop for repair as I have already dumped a ton of money into it unless I have to. I think it might be the motherboard being the only thing not really changed or the new bios does not quite work right.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have already contacted MSI and they did not help much. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!