Solved Pc crashes, blue screen, or just shuts off sometimes.

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Professor Smoothie

PCHF Member
Nov 1, 2017
It happens only ever during playing games, mostly during D4. I have had crashes during other games, but less frequently.

For some reason i can't add some of the minidump files to the winrar because i don't have access, even though i have admin rights.. However, this one does contain the latest.



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Also download and post..
be quiet! Straight Power 10 800W CM 800W ATX

For some reason when i attach the file and wait for it to upload, after saving it's just not there. i tried 5 times.
One issue I see that the GPU that you have requires a 850 Watt PSU minimal to run.

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090

The most that PSU can supply the GPU is 780 Watts which is under what they GPU requires to run effectively and properly.


@phillpower2 and @xrobwx71 can assist reading the crash logs.

Honestly the PSU may be causing part of the issue.
What is the status of replacing the PSU?

If you remove the GPU and run off the onboard does the issue reproduce?
I havent crashed for the last two weeks on the exact same pc with no changed at all. I don't think running my pc without my GPU will give me any valuable feedback since the amount of crashing varies so much. Also, since i'm trying to sell this pc with a lower 3080tI card, why would i go shopping for a stronger PSU when the pc will not use it?
Yes we are willing to help but you need to let us know you have followed advice and if so, what was the outcome?
What advice? "The PSU may be causing part of the issue" So i guess just buy a new PSU, even though i'm selling this pc with a less power hungry card in the future?
The PSU is underpowered. Period.

Don't want to sell a faulty pc.
Selling a PC with an underpowered PSU is selling a faulty PC.

Without following the advice of checking this you will never know for sure. Part of the process of PC troubleshooting is ruling out things and getting to the lowest common denominator. Since we are not there, we rely on the USER (you) to follow instructions and perform these steps.

We can only go by what you tell us. We will only advise with accurate, experienced, established information.

Does it run fine with the less power-hungry card? If so, sell it.
Being that the OP revisited the forum but chose not to reply this thread will be marked and closed.

Fwiw, there is just no helping some people :(
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