Solved OS not starting

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PCHF Member
Jun 29, 2020
Hi all:

Yesterday morning when I started my PC with a dual boot system, it refused to start any of the systems (Linux mint or windows 10).

After several attempts I decided to repair the situation using a pen drive.
Same problem when using the pen drive.
It won't start no matter if the pen has a windows or Linux OS.
This means that for the moment I have no solution to solve this problem.
Can someone please give me a solution to this annoying situation ??
Is this an hardware problem ?

Thanks in advance.
Can you access the BIOS at all?

What were the last changes that were made to the system?

Post as much of the specs as you can remember including the power supply and ages

Does the system POST?

Does anything come up on the screen at all and what?

Desktop, Laptop
Hi :

Yes I can access the bios.
As long as I remember nothing has changed on the systems.
What do you mean by"does the system post?"

I'm talking about a desktop.

Every OS I've tried ( Linux and windows with a pen drive) don't start at all.
For example with windows it gives me the message that windows is loading files, then I get the second message "windows is starting" and it stucks here.

The same happens with both dual boot systems.
POST is Power On Self Test, where you see BIOS settings flash on the screen before the Windows splash logo.
things like BIOS brand and versions, date/time, drives, Press F1 for setup and stuff like that.
you also should hear one beep, indicating a successful PC startup sequence.

in BIOS is the USB drive set to be looked at before the hard drives?
POST is Power On Self Test, where you see BIOS settings flash on the screen before the Windows splash logo.
things like BIOS brand and versions, date/time, drives, Press F1 for setup and stuff like that.
you also should hear one beep, indicating a successful PC startup sequence.

in BIOS is the USB drive set to be looked at before the hard drives?
Yes it posts all the info.
Usb drive is the 2nd boot device (1st floppy drive)
try disconnecting floppy, CD and all hard drives - that'll leave it nothing but the USB to boot from.
how did you make the Windows USB stick? did you make the USB bootable?

eg: I use PowerISO and create a bootable USB stick with that from the downloaded Windows ISO file.
try disconnecting floppy, CD and all hard drives - that'll leave it nothing but the USB to boot from.
how did you make the Windows USB stick? did you make the USB bootable?

eg: I use PowerISO and create a bootable USB stick with that from the downloaded Windows ISO file.
Yes the windows usb is bootable.
We've made many windows installations with the usb so far.

Will try your suggestion as soon as possible.
Only possible later this afternoon.

Right on target :

Thanks Bruce

It worked.
That must be something I had connected by usb.
After following your instructions everything started working, windows usb and both OS in dual boot are working again.

You saved my day.
Thank you @Bruce which also may have other instructions. For the mean time lets try.

Now connect the HDD and see if that boots and if the USB drive still reads.
If yes then try with the (if there is one) CD drive and test.

What do you have attached to the USB ports?

Glad to see that progress is made.
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