Old PC Build Upgrade vs. Starting Fresh Advise

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PCHF Member
Jun 29, 2019
I've been reading some of these post and it seems everyone here is really helpful so whats the harm in asking about this. I have a PC build that I got in parts several years ago, so for modern gaming is woefully insuficent. However some components might still be viable and I just really don't know anything about components and costs etc for what is really worth it. It might be more cost efficient to simply sell what I have and buy a new kit, but I really dont want to do anything without asking someone who doesn't stand to make of profit on me. I already took it into a repair shop for their opinion and for what I currently have and this is what I've got so far.

Current build,
8 core AMD 8320 CPU 3.51GHz
AMD Radeon 7700 2GB Video card
750W Power Supply

Recommened Upgrades
Increase Computer RAM to 16 GB
Replace Video card with 4GB RAM
Install SSD for OS

The cost for upgrades was estimated at around $700 according to him, and looking online I found several desktops that start around $1000-1500 that would likely be a significant upgrade in all aspects. So if possible the questions I would like help with, are the upgrades suggested sufficient to get the desktop to a status that could preform high graphics settings on modern games (new total war is the specific one that sparked this need), are there any other components that might need aditional attention that were not mentioned, and at an estimation what would the current build be worth on average to see if the cost is worth the effort. If it needs $700+ worth of work, but would sell for a few hundred as is, that would offset the difference in my mind and I could start fresh while actually staying on top of the upgrades this time. If there are any additional facts needed for an assesment please just let me know and I will periodically check this. If this really isnt the type of question that you normally would want to deal with then I understand and just let me know. Thank you for your time on reading this long *** post and I thank you for any and all help that you can offer.
you mention gaming, so I assume the upgrade is to improve things on that front.
if it was me, I'd be getting a new rig.
yes a couple of those current components could be reused, but really, you'd only be saving a small bit in the greater scheme of things.
and in the end, you'll still have an aging, old gen PC trying to run todays software on yesterdays hardware.
it's not so much the age, it's the generational differences (and improvements) at the architecture level that will give your gaming the best boost.
for example; new CPU's with more cores/threads and less power and heat considerations, faster bandwidth memory and graphics buses, solid state drives and NVMe drives, etc.
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