Hi All, i have been surfing another site, won't mention which, incase it offends the owner here.
I noticed that alot of the old members from pchf.com were there, can we not tempt them all back here,
i know some already are, in fact they are on both sites, we just need "All Them Talented People" to be available to this
site as well.
Heres hoping they will support this site as well, only if they have time for both of course,
fingers crossed.
I noticed that alot of the old members from pchf.com were there, can we not tempt them all back here,
i know some already are, in fact they are on both sites, we just need "All Them Talented People" to be available to this
site as well.
Heres hoping they will support this site as well, only if they have time for both of course,
fingers crossed.