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PCHF Member
Jan 9, 2020
So recently I went away for a week, I turned all power to my pc off. When I come back I was having issues with no picture displayed, after some time of unplugging several things and unplugging back in eventually I had display back. But soon as I shut down my pc and turn it back on the issues happen again. Sometimes I'd get display for 2 to 3 minutes over times it would stay on till I turned the pc off. Now after playing games for a while I went out turned the pc off come back now I can't get a picture at all. I've tried placing the gpu in a different slot also tried a known working gpu, also tried a second psu with no luck, have also tried 1 ram card in different slots ect.

The mother board shows a q code saying basically no gpu found. Am I looking at a new mobo or could it be something else?

Specs, cpu amd ryzen 9 3900x 12 core. Gpu rtx2080ti. Rog crosshair viii mobo. 32gb ram. Psu corsair rm1000i

I know heat isn't an issues, I'm disabled and stuck at home and rely on my pc so any help would be appreciated.

Have you tried resetting the BIOS to default values and updating the BIOS to the latest version if possible? If you already swapped the video card, power supply and used one stick of RAM inserted into different RAM slots on the motherboard then that indicates an issue with with motherboard or the CPU.

Have you tried using a different stick of RAM in the motherboard? Did you unplug all other peripherals connected to the system except for keyboard, mouse, power and monitor display cable?

Have you tried resetting the BIOS to default values and updating the BIOS to the latest version if possible? If you already swapped the video card, power supply and used one stick of RAM inserted into different RAM slots on the motherboard then that indicates an issue with with motherboard or the CPU.

Have you tried using a different stick of RAM in the motherboard? Did you unplug all other peripherals connected to the system except for keyboard, mouse, power and monitor display cable?
Hi yeah I've tried resetting the bios several times. I have no way off updating he bios as dont have access to another PC, and can't get to the bios at all to update it.

Everything has been unplugged and didnt make a difference. I've also tried all 4 of my ram sticks in different slots individually. Is there a way to tell if it is the cpu or the motherboard without buying new ones as the cost of either isn't cheap.
Hi yeah I've tried resetting the bios several times. I have no way off updating he bios as dont have access to another PC, and can't get to the bios at all to update it.

Everything has been unplugged and didnt make a difference. I've also tried all 4 of my ram sticks in different slots individually. Is there a way to tell if it is the cpu or the motherboard without buying new ones as the cost of either isn't cheap.
I also forgot to mention, the pc makes it to the log in screen and I can log fine, I can tell because the lights in the case change ect.
to test further you are going to need to get your hands on another graphics card and maybe another monitor as it could be that as well.
you could try re-assembling all the components out of the case and onto a piece of cardboard.
not only will that give you a chance to scrutinise all the bits, it'll allow you to only assemble core components, re-apply the thermal paste, and allow swapping in and out of parts better to test theories.
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