Information No 4k HDR in W10 on new TV (while in FullHD working perfectly)

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PCHF Member
Oct 2, 2020
Hi, I have a new TV connected to my PC and I wanted to use the HDR functions, but I am only able to do this in Full HD resolution. (In 4K the switch isn't grayed out, but switches immediatly back to "no". there aren't any preview images like in FULLHD aswell. In the Windows-HD-Color Window, while using 4k, in the graphics driver dynamic output can't be switched to full. Why is that so? Any tipps? Please help
  • AMD Ryzen 1600@3.8GHz
  • 16 GB DDR4 Ram
  • Asus Geforce GTX 1060 DUAL 6GB (456.55)
  • W10 x64 1809 ENT
  • Sony KD-55XG9505
  • DxDiag Info says, it's supported by graphics card (AdvancedColorEnabled) and monitor (HDR Supported (BT2020RGB BT2020YCC Eotf2084Supported)
so when you plug the TV into the PC, the screens are duplicated?
what is the resolution of the PC screen set to?
have you tried different HDMI cables?
and is the PC screen connected via DisplayPort? (the you can crank up the resolution to 4K on the PC screen?)
I'm wondering if 4K is only available on that card via DisplayPort.
What do you mean with " the screens are duplicated"?
There is no PC screen, jsut the tv
I tried 2 different cables, same result
my mistake, I thought the PC already had a monitor and you were also attaching a TV to it.

but still.... what is the resolution of the TV set to?
does the TV have a Display Port?

apart from that - I've got nothing.

you have a 4K card, a 4K TV, so it shouldn't be hardware related.
next would be the driver for the card and the cable as possibilities.
what version and build of Windows are you running?
I'm not up with the nuances of Enterprise but any chance it doesn't have the media capabilities like Home and Pro do?

otherwise, I'll tap out and hopefully someone else can chime in with some advice. :)
FYI I read on Reddit, the issue could be a too old cable.
I should try a HDMI cable with the version 2.0 or higher. I let readers know, if this helped.
Not yet, I'll change this answer the moment I got the cable from China (yes I was stingy and I suffer for it now)
Yes, I got the 8k Cable (HDMI 2.1) and I could change to HDR in 4k with only 30 FPS. The moment I change to native 60 FPS it kicks me out of the HDR mode. :(
I can only use the "limited" "dynamic output" in the nvidia graphics driver. The problem remains
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