Solved Newly built PC experiencing the same issue (Stuttering) that made me build a new one.

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PCHF Member
Dec 5, 2019
So my old PC was experiencing some stuttering (every 20-30 seconds it would freeze for half to one and a half seconds) after troubleshooting and not solving it for a week I instead decided to build a new one because it was gettting old and Black Friday was approaching. So I built and started using it yesterday.
I can't really describe the issue better than stuttering but it gets worse and more frequent when playing games. They don't even have to be performance hungry games even something like classic WoW and League of Legends set to very low causes it to become more frequent. When it happens while typing all the letters typed when the lag happened rapidly appear after another so it is almost like they were queued up. Also I get the feeling more time I spend with my new PC and try to troubleshoot the worse it gets.

These are my current specs:
MB: ASRock B450 Pro4
PSU: Corsair RM850x
SSD: Crucial P1 CT500
RAM: 16GB G.Skill Aegis DDR4-3200
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600
GPU: KFA2 GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

The new and old PC don't share a single part and I installed Windows via a USB Flashdrive. They only thing they have in common is my OneDrive of which only innocuous things like game save data are on the new PC. I also own a laptop that is connected to my OneDrive and is experiencing no issues so I assume it's not that. So my thinking is that somehow my other devices like keyboard could be the cause or I somehow get the same issue twice that i never had before.
Does anybody have any suggestions?

I have attempted pretty much every solution given when you search for "pc/windows stuttering" like updating all drivers, updating bios, setting CPU performance to 100 always etc.
Currently I only have my most essential apps installed and a few diagnostic apps.

Thank you for reading and trying to help. If you need me to post any logs just tell me how to get them and I will try to post them.
Welcome to PSHF,

They don't even have to be performance hungry games even something like classic WoW and League of Legends

Both are online games, do you happen to have any games on disk that you could try to see how that goes.

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
Thanks for your reply.
Both are online games, do you happen to have any games on disk that you could try to see how that goes.
I installed Rocket League then disconnected my PC and launched Steam and then Rocket League in Offline Mode. The problem still exists, however it didn't seem to be as bad as the online games. I noticed when interacting with the menu for example it also slows down which is consistant with opening files or windows explorer as that seems to happen slower than before the issue began.

In my previous post i mentioned essential apps, what I meant was the most essential apps I use and have used everyday for the past few years. Here's the Speccy link:

I notice that the CPU is running quite hot (averaging 91°C) even though the fan is working and I have not changed any settings regarding that. EDIT: Apart from changing the power plan to high performance because that seemed to help other people with similar issues.
While we look at the Speccy report, one thing I will suggest is that you change the Windows Power Plan to Balanced, High Performance is a form of overclocking that is known to cause stability and overheating issues and the only time that it should be used is with a gaming type notebook that has a dedicated GPU that needs the extra juice.

Leave off replying for now while I look at Speccy, I will edit this reply when done and you can get back to us after that.

Edit to add: That CPU temperature reading is anomalous but we do need to check the temps and voltages;

Download Speedfan and install it. Once it's installed, run the program and post here the information it shows. The information I want you to post is the stuff that is circled in the example picture I have attached.
If you are running on a vista machine, please go to where you installed the program and run the program as administrator.


So that we have a comparison to Speedfan, download, run and grab a screenshot of HWMonitor (free).

To capture and post a screenshot;

Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area CTRL + on on it to your it something related to the screen your capturing... BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A .JPG ...otherwise it may be to big to upload... after typing in any response you have... click on Upload a File to add the screenshot.

Screenshot instructions are provided to assist those that may read this topic but are not yet aware of the “how to”.
I grabbed a screenshot of my Speedfan readings:

Here is the HWMontior data, I just included everything because I don't know exactly what is needed:

Also I need to go to bed soon so replying might take a while.
Got to go out for a while so need to be quick.

Have you changed the power plan to Balanced.

There is nothing of particular note in those readings but we are missing some important reading which you can get from the BIOS;

Please restart your computer and check the temperatures/voltages in the BIOS, no screenshot is required just make a note of the temperatures, the DRAM voltages and the +3.3V, +5V and the +12V rails on the PSU and post them with your next reply.

NB: BIOS voltage readings.

The readings are not conclusive in the BIOS as the computer is under the least amount of load, if they are higher or lower than what they should be though it normally suggests a PSU/power problem.
Yes before I wrote my last reply and followed your instructions I set the power plan to balanced and forgot to mention it. The problem still exists.

The following is taken from the H/W Monitor tab. I can provide 2 sets of temperatures because I had to go out for an hour and couldn't reply, so the first temp is after restarting from casual use (browsing web and playing videos) and the second is after it was turned off for an hour.

CPU Temp: 42.5°C/108.5°F /// 39.0°C/102.2°F
M/B Temp: 31.0°C/87.8°F /// 25.0°C/78.8°F
CPU Vcore Voltage: changes from +1.120V to +1.136V frequently
+12.00V: +12.144V
+5.00V: +5.040V
+3.30V: +3.312V

The following is taken from a tab called OC Tweraker so I'm not sure if the data is set or measured. It should be noted that the only setting I manually changed is the RAM-Frequency to 3200 as the MB manual suggests to change it to your RAMs frequency.

VPPM: 2.550V
2.50V Voltage: 2.520V
DRAM Voltage: 1.350V
+1.8 Voltage: 1.820V
VDDP: 0.945V
Chipset 1.05V Voltage: 1.072V
Those figures are also fine, you mention using OC Tweaker, were you having this issue before you changed the RAM settings.
I couldn't clearly remember so I changed the setting back to auto which apparently sets it to 2133. The problem still persists.
Update: I have reset my computer and exchanged my keyboard and mouse with a very basic one to try and see when/if the issue occurs. After installing the essential drivers I installed a game and saw the all too familiar frame drops in an intervall. Now this is a bit embarassing to admit but my wallpaper changes every minute. This has worked without problems for my old PC for years but sure enough every time it switches there's stuttering. Googling this also reveals that other people have suffered the same problem. I can only change that setting with an activated Windows License and due to circumstances the earliest I activate it is on monday. I am pretty pessimistic that this will fix everything so if you have any other ideas I will certainly try them.
have reset my computer and exchanged my keyboard and mouse with a very basic one to try and see when/if the issue occurs. After installing the essential drivers
When it comes to testing keyboards, the best test is using a wired PS/2 type followed by a standard USB type, in both instances no drivers are required to be installed as Windows has generic drivers for such devices and likewise in both instances to avoid conflicts all third party keyboard and mouse software must be uninstalled.

Troubleshooting an unregistered or out of date operating system is a waste of time I`m afraid and rather than be pessimistic be hopeful instead.

Edit to add: can I just check that after the reset, did you reinstall the drivers for the MB
Yes the first thing i did was reinstalling the drivers for MB, GPU and CPU. I did not notice the stuttering but I would chalk that up to not testing viligantly enough. Like I said I will activate my license tomorrow and update on any changes.
After activating windows I changed my wallpaper settings to be a static image. I have not had the issue today with regular use and think the problem is fixed and was caused by the rotating wallpaper setting. Thank you for your time and assistance.:notworthy:
Glad to hear that all is now well with the computer and thank you for sharing how the issue was resolved (y)

You are welcome :)
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