New RAM won't produce sign

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PCHF Member
Jun 21, 2018
So, recently I moved my PC into a new case. I was able to set everything up and everything was running fine. I then had the idea to put the 16GB(4x4gb)of DDR3 ram in place of the 10GB (5x2gb) of ram. After installing the RAM, no video was being put out to my monitor. After hours of research on this subject, I tried so many different things such as: Change out the GPU, try different RAM, switching to the old RAM resetting the CMOS (and variants of this such as taking it out and spamming the power button). I have a total of nine sticks of RAM (the previous and another 4GB stick). I am kinda new to the hardware side of of PCs so...
I have a 1050ti, P6T SE and an i7.

Other solutions I have tried include switching out monitors and cords, and trying my previous computer where the 4x4GB sticks came from.

is it making any beeping noises ( beep error codes ) ? if it was booting with old RAM it should still boot when put it back in...
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