New pc not turning on.

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PCHF Member
Aug 24, 2019
I recently build a pc with the specs listed below. I am new to pc building and cannot find the issue. Cpu: Ryzen 2600x MB: ASRock B450 pro4 Gpu: Power color rx570 Ram: Corsair vengeance lpx 2 8gb 3000mhz Ssd: intel 660p 512gb Power supply: 750 watt 80 plus bronze.
to trouble shoot, I would remove all components from the case and assemble them at your desk on a piece of cardboard.
and only attach the bare minimum to get the PC started; mobo, 1 stick RAM, power, keyboard, mouse, monitor, processor, SSD.
have you checked all the parts are compatible?
what is your OS?
I had an Intel 600P NVMe that wouldn't load Win10 1803 (or one of the builds either side) due to an incompatibility, don't know if Intel has addressed that with the 660P or if MS has with the newer builds, but I changed SSD's because of it.
is there a firmware update for that mobo?
Is that with only the cpu and ram connected to the motherboard. If so yes and same result occurred.
To do a barebones test you connect to the MB, the PSU, the screen to the video card, a keyboard, the CPU in its socket, the CPU cooler connected to the correct header on the MB and one stick of RAM in the appropriate slot on the MB.

Can you explain what you mean by same result occurred, your thread title "New pc not turning on" does not tell us much I`m afraid, it could mean that when you press the case power button nothing at all happens or it could mean that you press the case power button, the PSU and fans spin up but the screen stays black etc.
The result is nothing no fans turn on and the psu stays off. Shorting the pins also didn’t work. I already replaced the motherboard so I doubt I would get two dead ones.
Look in your motherboard manual , REMOVE the "power on" connectors from the front panel header and short the 2 power on header pins with a screwdriver. If the pc starts this will tell you either the front panel switch or cabling to the switch is faulty.
See attachment below Abull2003,


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I have tried to short the pins with multiple configurations as in without some parts and with all and nothing occurred.
As Gus suggested, if the 8 pin and 24pin are clicked right home, then chances are you have a Standoff/ riser in the wrong place and shorting out both Motherboards.. Even a screw left under the Mobo can cause a short.
As suggested by other Techies which suggested hooking up outside the case, you have not said you tried this. Just replied with something else you tried. I strongly suggest you remove the Mobo and try outside the case and make sure you haven't a standoff in the wrong hole. To have 2 dead Mobo's in a row is so rare, and believe a short is happening, here.
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