New PC Build My 2nd time. Water-cooling not cooling gpu

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PCHF Member
Apr 10, 2022
I just put together my first water-cooling build, and there is consistently bubbles appearing in the gpu block and cpu block, and a massive amount building in the reservoir. I checked to see where air might be getting in and there arnt any leaks. the gpu caps at 80c before crashing itself to not kill it and I cant even get close to 100 frames cause the gpu gets too hot. should I change the loop to only cool the cpu and use the stock cooler on the gpu or not give up and keep looking to see if I can fix this? any help is appreciated!

3dMark Time Spy
Water Loop
The links you posted go to a dead OneDrive link.

I'm not too familiar with custom watercooling, but my first inclination would be an improperly bled system (that could be the air bubbles).

Are you sure the GPU cooler is right for your specific GPU?

Please post your pc specs along with whatever cooling system you have:

Some pictures of your loop and the bubbles if possible might help as well, some of the members on here might see something you or I don't.
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