Solved New HP Monitor Creating DirectX Error

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PCHF Member
Aug 14, 2017
Hello everyone, i appreciate the help i am about to receive as i think this is a relatively easy fix and i'm just missing something. Let me preface this with that i have downloaded, reinstalled, and restarted drivers and the pc itself. In fact this issue only occurs with this HP 24W monitor (part no. 919456-001) 23.8 inch. If i plug my Samsung monitor into the same port my games work just fine.

So the issue is as follows. Every time i try to start up a game that runs in a directx environment (fullscreen or otherwise) the game will not start and if i'm lucky i will get a directX error. For 'League of Legends' i get "an unknown DirectX error has occured and LOL cannot start. Please make sure your video card is using the latest video drivers from the manufacturer" (which i am). The game 'Master X Master' will just simply not start (no error message). Below are my specs although i'm 98% certain this is just a monitor issue even though i'm getting a direct x message.


I actually solved my own issue. Like i said it was something REALLY simple. I switched from VGA cable to HDMI and now my games run with this monitor. The other monitor i had (the samsung i mentioned) didnt have an HDMI port so i didnt really think anything of it,
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