Hello all,
I'm finally upgrading to a new build. I've started but ran into some issues with the fans not fitting. My plan was to have the AIO at the top as exhaust, 3 of the Noctua's at the bottom as intake and the 3 Corsair's will be on the side as intake as well. The ramaining Noctua fan was supposed to go in the back as exhaust too but I now realize that it will not fit there so now I have an extra fan... will probably return it unless someone has recommendations on where to relocate it. I ran into some issues along the way and hoping you guys have some advice.
1) After mounting the AIO I noticed that the bottom section of the heat sync doesn't fully align with the CPU. It's touching it, but not covering the entire CPU. Is this normal? About a quarter of it is uncovered. See images below.
2) I can't attach 1 of the 3 the Noctua fans at the bottom in the middle because the USB 3.0 cable for the front of the case is way too big and the cable comes out so much that it's too low to fit the fan underneath it. I tried to get it through and honestly feel like I may have damaged the motherboards slot for the USB from extending it so much :'( I hope this isn't the case but we'll see when I get it running. I find it hard to believe I'm not able to clear it with this case. I've seen many setups with radiators with 3 fans at the bottom and feel my setup is pretty basic comparatively. Am I doing something wrong? I thought about maybe getting L shaped adapter for the USB but I don't think that will do much. There are heat syncs on the motherboard that would be in the way. Any advise would be appreciated. See images below.
3) I haven't received the Corsair fans yet but will soon and hopefully they'll fit on the side. My concern is that the motherboard I got as far as I can see only has 2 system fan slots. There are 2 CPU fan slots and I'll only be using 1 for AIO so I think the other can be used to plug in another system fan. Can someone confirm? Main issue here is that I have 8 fans and with 2 or 3 fan slots I don't have enough. I saw that there are hubs you can buy and then plug in all of the fans to that hub. I imagine this is the solution? Hoping to resolve this as cheap as possible so if someone has some recommendations on a good hub I'd appreciate it. Or if there's something else I should be doing let me know. I was hoping I could daisy chain the Noctuas and just plug 1 in basically then same thing with the corsair.
4) If I leave out the last fan in the rear that I was planning on using for exhaust, will the cooling still be sufficient without this?
My build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/stillmat1k/saved/#view=xpzZcf
Pictures for reference: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WGOsHJcLKp4iKz7tO9vt9VeRuQsXvLAO
Thanks in advance!
I'm finally upgrading to a new build. I've started but ran into some issues with the fans not fitting. My plan was to have the AIO at the top as exhaust, 3 of the Noctua's at the bottom as intake and the 3 Corsair's will be on the side as intake as well. The ramaining Noctua fan was supposed to go in the back as exhaust too but I now realize that it will not fit there so now I have an extra fan... will probably return it unless someone has recommendations on where to relocate it. I ran into some issues along the way and hoping you guys have some advice.
1) After mounting the AIO I noticed that the bottom section of the heat sync doesn't fully align with the CPU. It's touching it, but not covering the entire CPU. Is this normal? About a quarter of it is uncovered. See images below.
2) I can't attach 1 of the 3 the Noctua fans at the bottom in the middle because the USB 3.0 cable for the front of the case is way too big and the cable comes out so much that it's too low to fit the fan underneath it. I tried to get it through and honestly feel like I may have damaged the motherboards slot for the USB from extending it so much :'( I hope this isn't the case but we'll see when I get it running. I find it hard to believe I'm not able to clear it with this case. I've seen many setups with radiators with 3 fans at the bottom and feel my setup is pretty basic comparatively. Am I doing something wrong? I thought about maybe getting L shaped adapter for the USB but I don't think that will do much. There are heat syncs on the motherboard that would be in the way. Any advise would be appreciated. See images below.
3) I haven't received the Corsair fans yet but will soon and hopefully they'll fit on the side. My concern is that the motherboard I got as far as I can see only has 2 system fan slots. There are 2 CPU fan slots and I'll only be using 1 for AIO so I think the other can be used to plug in another system fan. Can someone confirm? Main issue here is that I have 8 fans and with 2 or 3 fan slots I don't have enough. I saw that there are hubs you can buy and then plug in all of the fans to that hub. I imagine this is the solution? Hoping to resolve this as cheap as possible so if someone has some recommendations on a good hub I'd appreciate it. Or if there's something else I should be doing let me know. I was hoping I could daisy chain the Noctuas and just plug 1 in basically then same thing with the corsair.
4) If I leave out the last fan in the rear that I was planning on using for exhaust, will the cooling still be sufficient without this?
My build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/stillmat1k/saved/#view=xpzZcf
Pictures for reference: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WGOsHJcLKp4iKz7tO9vt9VeRuQsXvLAO
Thanks in advance!