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  • Hello everyone We want to personally apologize to everyone for the downtime that we've experienced. We are working to get everything back up as quickly as possible. Due to the issues we've had, your password will need to be reset. Please click the button that says "Forgot Your Password" and change it. We are working to have things back to normal. Emails are fixed and should now send properly. Thank you all for your patience. Thanks, PCHF Management


PCHF Member
Jan 11, 2021
N-E Québec
Yo ! Howdy everyone. Greetings from chilly NorthEastern Québec. Guess it would be cold out on the St-Lawrence this morning at 2F. We'll wait a bit. Besides, the ice is a bit thick. Nothing like trying something new like looking for files somewhere inside a computer. Once, I walked through a computer that had thousands of lamps glowing. Now THAT'S OLD ! Nevertheless, with your help, I might get some answers. Cheers, and stay safe !
G'day and welcome to the forums. :)
Hi ! Thanks for the welcome. I took a backup of Thunderbird on my old PC because that's where the most precious files are. It is apparenty up-to-date. Thunderbird on my newer PC was not used much. Yes, if it crashes, no real consequence. My pics are on a separate Seagate. Do you think it might be an idea to remove ( or uninstall ) Thunderbird altogether on the new machine then load the backup? Is there a copy of Thunderbird in the backup ? Both installed copies are at the same level. The new copy would not have a few emails in it. That's the only difference I can see. Thanks for your time and stay safe.
I haven't used TB in about 10 years, never liked the way it would let you migrate to it but not from it.
it'll suck in your emails from other email clients but not export to them.

from memory, when I 'backed up' TB I just copied the whole Firefox profile folder.
when setting up a new PC, I'm pretty sure I could just copy off the old PC and paste into the new PC.
G'day and welcome to the forums. :)

I haven't used TB in about 10 years, never liked the way it would let you migrate to it but not from it.
it'll suck in your emails from other email clients but not export to them.

from memory, when I 'backed up' TB I just copied the whole Firefox profile folder.
when setting up a new PC, I'm pretty sure I could just copy off the old PC and paste into the new PC.
Well, that's a new viewpoint to ponder. What do you use instead ? I'm not a geek, just a 73 yr old retiree...... 8)
I haven't used TB in about 10 years, never liked the way it would let you migrate to it but not from it.
it'll suck in your emails from other email clients but not export to them.

from memory, when I 'backed up' TB I just copied the whole Firefox profile folder.
when setting up a new PC, I'm pretty sure I could just copy off the old PC and paste into the new PC.
What if I wiped it completely off my newer PC . Would it make ir easier to transfer data from old pc ? I have nothing of value on the newer machine.
I use Outlook but really, whatever rocks your boat.
People move to TB for whatever reason but usually, for some reason, eventually ditch it only to find it doesn't support migrating your emails into any other email client.

make sure both your installations have the same version of TB.
then in c:\users\<your account name>\appdata\local\mozilla you should see a Thunderbird folder.
copy the whole folder over to the new PC.

if that isn't that folder, it'll be; c:\users\<your account name>\appdata\roaming\mozilla (as I say, that's from memory from over 10 years ago)
I use Outlook but really, whatever rocks your boat.
People move to TB for whatever reason but usually, for some reason, eventually ditch it only to find it doesn't support migrating your emails into any other email client.

make sure both your installations have the same version of TB.
then in c:\users\<your account name>\appdata\local\mozilla you should see a Thunderbird folder.
copy the whole folder over to the new PC.

if that isn't that folder, it'll be; c:\users\<your account name>\appdata\roaming\mozilla (as I say, that's from memory from over 10 years ago)
I have the old Outlook, Hotmail. But I have to monitor 3 separate emails : one from a provider, one hotmail and one gmail. What I find handy about Thunderbird is that I can pop stuff in many different folders since it handles all 3 email sources. Sort of an archive. Can this be done with any other mail handler ? Because I am not afraid of losing any data, I made sure both Thunderbirds were at the same level, then pasted the THUNDERBIRD file to the new pc, but without success. If I were able to find a way to create folders in Gmail, I would be satisfied. I could eventually close the other emails. Life would be much simpler. But the equivalent of Thunderbird would be fine, too, even if it's an Open license product. Thanks and have a good day.
all the mail clients I've ever used allowed you to create new folders at your will.
in Gmail, they call them Labels.
in the left hand column, click More to expand the list.
now at the bottom of that list you should see Create New Label.
Wow ! Impeached ! Sorry, back to business. Great news. I will probably expand Gmail and auto-forward the other email to it. Good luck United States of America !