Solved need help with dimensions compatibillity on my pc build pleas

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PCHF Member
Apr 21, 2020
hi there

need help with dimensions befor i buy pleas i think my cpu cooling system ive choose is to long for my case
the case is a lian-li 011 dynamic xl
and a cooler master wraith ripper tr4 cpu cooling system
on a rog zenith 2 extreme alpha mobo
and if it fits how mutch room will it have between the side panel
Hello axle,

and if it fits how mutch room will it have between the side panel

It is most unlikely that you will get any answer based upon a genuine insight into what you ask, using PCPartPicker compatibility between the parts was confirmed but other than the combined cost of almost £1350 for the three items no other information is available.
Hello axle,

hi phillpower2

thanks for the reply yeah ive already checked pcpartpicker my self and seen no problems but like you say not mutch info on dimensions
but realy wanting a second opinon befor i buy just to dubble check
As said it is most unlikely that you will get any answer based upon a genuine insight because those components are for a specialist build and anyone that can afford to pay almost £1k for a motherboard alone aint going to be hanging around this or any other forum, unfortunately only someone that has used the exact same parts in a build can answer your question
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