Need help with a new pc

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PCHF Member
Jan 21, 2023
Hi I'm turning 19 next and I got around 2000 dollar to spend on a new pc. So I was wondering if you could recommend any pre built pc in this price. Any help would be greatly appreciated:) (sorry for any bad English)

Let's start with this.. What are you wanting to do with your pc . ( gaming etc)
g'day @Kidaraknin, and welcome to the forums. :)

Dell does good pre-built PC's.
you could either check them out or go to your nearest PC shop which should also offer to build one at y our budget.

gaming rigs are another thing altogether - pre-built usually means good memory, processor and graphics card, but they may skimp on the power supply or storage.
as soon as you mention 'gaming', the budget can very quickly get blown.

as veeg has said, it'll come down to what games you want to play right now - and what games in 2 years time!!!
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