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PCHF Member
Aug 6, 2018
Hello folks, I need apiece of software, that is all encompassing. And can communicate with Ebay. It will have to collect all financial and product information relating to a sale, and pigeon hole it to different systems and programmes. It would send all product info immediately, when an order comes in, to printers, for an invoice and a separate label printer for the delivery address, plus a code so I know which product to pack. E g. 5 or 7?
It would have to be able to relay that information directly to Excel. It would automatically reorder stock, based on numbers sold. It would then inform eBay, of despatch! With an ability to automatically alter spreadsheets after a cancellation or refund. Is there software that will do this? Or will I have to have it designed? If that is the case? Any idea what the cost maybe? Thank you for your consideration! Andy.
whoa, sounds like it would actually need code in the eBay side of things.
and I also suspect, that if you have thought of this, then someone else has too and there is something already out there.
have you talked to eBay?
whoa, sounds like it would actually need code in the eBay side of things.
and I also suspect, that if you have thought of this, then someone else has too and there is something already out there.
have you talked to eBay?
Firstly, thank you for getting back to me! Yes, I've spoken with Ebay on the matter, but they seem pretty clueless on a lot of subjects? They couldn't even tell me the mean annual average sales of a specific product, and their selling them!!! Lol. I think it will be the expensive route? Something off the shelf would of been perfect, but alas no! (Hangs head!) Thank you for your knowledge on this one Bruce!
Any updates for us?
Still trying to go down the cheapest route in truth! Where am I at? OK, so it's been "suggested" that I use standard stock control software, and have patches (whatever they are???) Written, linking the different softwares. No idea how or if this would work? And with the myriad of other things I have to do, I've put it on the back burner! It's one thing having an idea about something and getting it done. And quite another being clueless and trying! Watch this space?
Any update for us? This thread will be closed if not replied to within 48hrs.
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