My mouse pointer started moving by itself

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PCHF Member
May 13, 2020
I don't really know if this forum is the right one but i need help. I was just using my computer normally and all of the sudden the sound that Windows does when a new device is plugged in plays, some seconds later my mouse starts moving without any physical input, I quickly shut it down but i don't know what to do next. Please help.
USB mouse or wireless mouse?
either way, disconnect and try another if you can and see what happens.

if wireless, try replacing the batteries.
USB mouse or wireless mouse?
either way, disconnect and try another if you can and see what happens.

if wireless, try replacing the batteries.
I'm sorry, I think I was not clear enough. I have an wired. I have an wired mouse connected directly to my system. What happened was that there was a separate input after the sound that Windows does when a new device connects, I could still use my mouse but there was a separate input. I did not connect anything to the computer at the time that sound played, and the separate input wasn't just random drifting or movement, it seemed like movement a person would input. This was more a concern for the security of my computer and that's why I don't know if this is the right place to post it. Sorry for my bad punctuation.
have you tried turning it back on to see if it repeats?
the sound could have been Windows detecting new hardware or giving you a notification alert of something it was doing.
did you notice it doing a recent update?

as to the random mouse movement, don't know, but turn it back on and do some scans.
what protection is on the PC?
have you tried turning it back on to see if it repeats?
the sound could have been Windows detecting new hardware or giving you a notification alert of something it was doing.
did you notice it doing a recent update?

as to the random mouse movement, don't know, but turn it back on and do some scans.
what protection is on the PC?
I did turn it on and it has not repeated it since the first time, I did run a scan using Norton Antivirus and nothing was found, I was not doing anything that could prompt Windows to make that sound.
you may not have done anything, but something did and the logical culprit would be Windows doing something automatically.
that would cover the sound, but not he movement.
if it doesn't repeat and all your scans are clear, I'd be happy with that.
the sound could have been Windows detecting new hardware or giving you a notification alert of something it was doing.
did you notice it doing a recent update?
If you check this and post a yes or no answer it at least rules one possible cause out.
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