My DVI dual like cable wont work

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PCHF Member
Jun 14, 2019
Hello people, please HELP ME :LOL:
I have been using a HDMI cable on my pc for years now and i have decided to upgrade to a DVI dual link cable.

so I just changed this up and boom its saying no signal. will go though a cycle of trying to boot the pc, then after 5 times (guessing) it will boot up going though the load up screens (started getting excited) now it comes up saying that the computer had problems booting up. at this point i can click restart PC (which i did) or try going though some repair BS.

so I know that there is not a loose connection as it did come up on the screen (even moved the cable when it was on and had no problems)

back to using my HDMI cable and have no problems booting (using my PC to write this message :LOL:)

Dose anyone have any ideas?
please help me
Are we talking about onboard graphics or a dedicated card????

Try another DVI cable and make sure your graphics drivers are up to date. Also ensure your monitor works with a DVI cable on another PC.
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