Solved Multiple BSOD, what could be the issue ?

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PCHF Member
Apr 19, 2020

Here is the minidump :!AjAdzCcRXhH0kMkJPs9PSPni-_lHSQ?e=Do1aDZ

I'm sorry I was taken away from this matter lately, I really appreciate what you do here. And I apologize for the duplicate, please remove the old thread if it is an issue.

Here is again my situation :

I've been encountering an increasing number of blue screen of death lately, especially when gaming but it happens also when simply browsing on chrome/edge.

Do you think the issue(s) could be the aging hardware ?

Why the focus on hardware ? Well first the BSODs appear for different reasons randomly, and they come up more frequently every day. Here is the set of BSOD that appear :
Looking up those errors didn't help much, but I reckon that the issue is memory related.

I've done multiple resets, memory scan check, manually installed drivers, and even cleaned the dust inside the machine today but nothing has changed. The hardware is about 10 years old :
Motherboard : Asus P8Z77-V, Z77, LGA1155, PCI-E 3.0, CFX/SLI
Processor : Intel Core i5 3570K BOX (LGA 1155, 3.40GHz)
GPU : Sapphire FleX HD 7950 3GB
RAM : Kingston HyperX Genesis (4 x 4GB, DDR3-2000 (PC3-16000))
Disk1 : Samsung SSD 840 Basic (120GB, S-ATA III (6 Gbit/s))
Disk 2 : Toshiba DT01ACA100 1 To
Alim : LC-Power Green Power LC6600GP (600W)

Thank you very much for your help!
For security reasons will not be clicking on a link they have to be attached.

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This is your second BSOD thread regarding the same issue with the first one having to be closed because you first of all did not follow the steps provided by Russ and then subsequently did not respond when you were asked if you intended to provide the requested information.

Our help is offered for free and willingly given but our time is better spent helping those who both appreciate it and work with us in trying to resolve their computer issues.

If you are not willing to work with those that you are asking for help from it will be impossible to even be able to begin to help :(
And here is the file attached, thanks Rustys it was easy to miss that button.

phillpower2 : I saw Russ's answers once the thread was locked and therefore couldn't answer. So I started another thread where I apologize for my lack of answer in the previous thread, what was my other option ? Genuinely curious to know.


I don`t go over old ground but am a stickler for rules, if members don`t keep their threads updated and/or respond to any update request their threads get closed.

Sending a PM asking for your first thread to be reopened would have been the way to go as would providing any requested information exactly as it was asked for.

Those dmps are too old to be of any use but fwiw checked the last one and it was either caused by Adobe Acrobat or malware with the named process being CoreSync.exe

See attachment below;


  • Coresync.exe crash.jpg
    Coresync.exe crash.jpg
    197.1 KB · Views: 11
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You are welcome :)

Just a fyi, crash dmps are only of any use if they are less than three days old.
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No zero I can't find anything vaguely related to coresync.exe, rather all I find point to drivers issues.
Do you use Adobe Acrobat.

Any more BSOD.

Just a btw, not sure what is pointing you towards driver issues, what can`t speak can`t lie (The Windows Debugger) and the Debugger identified CoreSync.exe which as previously mentioned is either Adobe Acrobat or malware related.
Thanks for the info. Well those dumps are the results of several bsod that appeared on a fully reset machine with very few programs installed (2 games, steam, adobe photoshop, chrome). Everything is paid for, no reason to have a malware somewhere. The driver trail is because those BSODs mostly appeared when the GPU was in use.
Do you use Adobe Acrobat.
You never gave a direct answer but instead said;
Well those dumps are the results of several bsod that appeared on a fully reset machine with very few programs installed (2 games, steam, adobe photoshop, chrome).
Are my eyes deceiving me or does that word that I have highlighted in red say adobe or not, no one suggested that you had not paid for your software but as any decent helper would do I provided the only two examples known to have problems with CoreSync.exe were Adobe or possible malware, being that you use Adobe what would you suspect caused the crash? Don`t know about you but my money would be on Adobe.

Any more BSOD.
You missed answering the above.

Not sure what you mean about the driver trail bit as the GPU and its drivers are in use as soon as Windows has loaded and if there are GPU driver issues the computer most often fails to boot and you get the blue screen and : ( face
Are my eyes deceiving me or does that word that I have highlighted in red say adobe or not,

I clearly said Adobe Photoshop, so I'm gonna play your game and say that your eyes are deceiving you. If coresync.exe is related to all Adobe products than you have no reason to specify Adobe Acrobat and act all surprised afterwards.

Not sure what you mean about the driver trail bit as the GPU and its drivers are in use as soon as Windows has loaded and if there are GPU driver issues the computer most often fails to boot and you get the blue screen and : ( face

Jesus then when the GPU is clearly in use, not when it says 0-2% in utilization.

No BSODs since.

You never gave a direct answer but instead said;

You missed answering the above.

Oh well and my initial question was could the aging hardware be an issue and I never got an answer to that either.

I'm calling this over I feel like I wasted my time and yours, I'm thankful for the service you guys provide and for this forum to exist. I have no doubt you have helped and will help many other, but I'll get my help elsewhere. No hard feeling, for real.

You can consider this thread closed.
Nothing wrong with your hardware, the issue was related to Adobe software of some description and being that you have had no more BSOD since chances are that the problem has righted itself somehow, problem solved and lets just hope it stays that way.

You are looking for problems that do not exist, if it ain`t broke don`t fix it comes to mind.
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