Mouse issues

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PCHF Member
Mar 31, 2021
Hello wonderful community,
I come to you in a time of great need. My pc has a very unique problem. My mouse "misbehaves ". Basically it wont move in a straight line sometimes. I had this issues and I just did a fresh install of windows, the problem is still an issue. Its not a hardware problem, I have tested it with other devices. I used to be able to fix it by uninstalling the mouse driver from the device manager and replug it, but now its constant. I basically cant play any fps game. What do I do? Could someone upload a good mouse driver for me to install? I am helpless I have tried everything.
Replies much appreciated,
Welcome to PCHF Pc_noob,

Its not a hardware problem, I have tested it with other devices.

So the mouse works perfectly fine on all other computers ?

What type of mouse is it, if a gaming type mouse, can you post the brand and model name or number for us.
Welcome to PCHF Pc_noob,

So the mouse works perfectly fine on all other computers ?

What type of mouse is it, if a gaming type mouse, can you post the brand and model name or number for us.
It's a Logitech G203 Lightsync. I have tried it on other pcs and it works fine. Different mice also have the same issue here so it leads me to believe its a software issue.
what surface are you using it on?
for it to be your mouse and any other you have tried on the same rig, I'm thinking you have some sort of laser-unfriendly surface.

to test the theory, fold an A4 sheet of paper in half and use that for 5 minutes and see if the problem still occurs.
Different mice also have the same issue here so it leads me to believe its a software issue.

It would appear so but there are other possibilities, one such above with others being nearby wireless and microwave devices causing interference.

Can you post the brand and model name or number of your motherboard and tell us what port on the MB you have the mouse connected to, USB 2.0, 3.0 or 3,2 etc.

Download and run DriverView which you can get from here

Save the results to text and attach to your next reply for us if you will.
It would appear so but there are other possibilities, one such above with others being nearby wireless and microwave devices causing interference.

Can you post the brand and model name or number of your motherboard and tell us what port on the MB you have the mouse connected to, USB 2.0, 3.0 or 3,2 etc.

Download and run DriverView which you can get from here

Save the results to text and attach to your next reply for us if you will.
The Motherboard is this one: Gigabyte Motherboard H110M-S2PV (H110/1151/DDR4)
I am using one of the 2 3.0 usb ports. I have experimented with other ports and the results are still the same.
I got the program you suggested but I am not sue what to do with it.
what surface are you using it on?
for it to be your mouse and any other you have tried on the same rig, I'm thinking you have some sort of laser-unfriendly surface.

to test the theory, fold an A4 sheet of paper in half and use that for 5 minutes and see if the problem still occurs.
Great idea not gonna lie. The results are the same I tried a different mousepad as well.
Stick to using one of the black USB 2.0 ports while we troubleshoot this, the reasoning behind doing so is simple once it is explained why, the BIOS and Windows both have generic USB 2.0 drivers while Windows 10 can have generic USB 3.0 drivers that will work with some devices the BIOS does not, short version, you want the mouse to work from the moment that you power up the PC and not only once Windows has loaded using generic drivers.

For DriverView, run it, select all, save as txt and attach to your next reply for us.
have you tried rebooting the PC into Safe Mode and seeing what happens?
what about creating another user account and logging in under that profile?
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