Motherboard has power, not plugged in

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PCHF Member
Apr 2, 2021
I have a x570 hero motherboard. But it has power but it’s not plugged it.

I disconnected the power to the motherboard, all of them and it still has power; how is that possible
I disconnected the power to the motherboard, all of them and it still has power; how is that possible

The only power there should be is the CMOS battery and that shouldn`t register anywhere other than the CMOS socket using a multi meter.

What is telling you that there is power present.
Lights on the mother board are on, and won’t turn on when I hit the button


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If you disconnect the computer from the wall socket as in pull the plug then press the case power on button for twenty seconds or so do those lights go out.

Is this a new build.
Absolutely no idea as I have never encountered the like of this before, you must have one hell of a static build up inside of your body o_O
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Thanks for letting us know and we wish you the best of luck and hope that you get sorted asap.

If we leave your thread open for a couple of days and you happen to find out what is causing this I for one would be grateful to hear the outcome because as I say I have never seen this before, it`s almost as if the board is holding enough charge in the capacitors to keep the RGB lights lit up.
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