Solved More on the Missing Homepage Link in Google

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PCHF Member
Nov 16, 2016
This is a follow-on from a previous post about a missing icon on my google homepage. The one that's missing (and which is making surfing the net a complete pain) is the 'house'-shaped icon, which as this image demonstrates below, is the fourth icon in from the left on the top left-hand corner of the google toolbar. In answer to a previous question, not only have I reset my homepage, as was asked of me, this actually is the upshot of having reset the page! (i.e. not what is on view below). So to repeat: all I want is (a) the name of the icon, and (b) how to get it back.

Many thanks.

hero-dhp-chrome-mac (1).jpg
IF the above fails.


  • Download ResetBrowser To your desktop.
  • Now close all open browsers.
  • Right click and run as administrator.
  • Click on Reset Chrome. -- Allow completion.
  • Reboot the machine after complete, then your icon will appear.
Many thanks - yes it works and I've got my google 'Home button' back. It was not knowing what it's called that foxed me at the time. I've written the name down now, so if it happens again, I'll know what to do.

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