Solved Monitor no signal

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PCHF Member
Aug 25, 2019
So I used my PC yesterday and all run smoothly , then I shuted down my PC. When I returned and booted up the PC , the monitor said no signal .

I used a different HDMI cable , I tried different monitors , even different type of cables for other monitors.

My PC is working properly j just can't see anything .. I think the problem doesn't come from my graphics card , because the 2 green lights still glowing + I don't think my PC would open entirely without it , and would stack to bios.

I know my PC is working correctly because I have a rgb keyboard that changes it's colors when the program I have installed is running.

Can you please help me?
Welcome to PCHF pontikaris,

My PC is working properly j just can't see anything .. I think the problem doesn't come from my graphics card , because the 2 green lights still glowing + I don't think my PC would open entirely without it , and would stack to bios.

If you get a BIOS screen it would normally suggest that the graphics device is ok, if you do not get a BIOS screen but you do get a No Signal message on the monitor it suggests a problem with the graphics device.

Please provide information about your computer, is it a custom build or brand name such as Dell or HP, if a brand name, provide the model name or series number (not serial) if a custom build post the brand and model name or number for the CPU, MB, the RAM (including the amount) add on video card if one is used and the PSU (power supply unit) providing these details will enable us to better assist you.
It is a custom build , with an amd Radeon r9 270x from asus, an amd cpu fx (but I don't remember the exact model) , hyper x fury 8 gb ddr3 ram , a 620 w power supply from cooler master but it's old and I can't remember the model and a motherboard from gigabyte ... I really can't provide much Information because the build is 4-5 years old and I dont have the pc-parts' boxes
Sorry but to be best placed to help you we need the exact MB details which you can obtain by opening up the computer and getting them off the MB itself, we need to be able to check the specs to see if there is any integrated graphics available

Couple of questions;

Are you ok with working inside of a computer, this includes knowing all of the safety steps you need to take.

Do you get a BIOS screen or do you get a black screen and No Signal message right from when you power up the computer.

Do you know if your MB has an integrated video chip.

Is your RAM two 4GB sticks or a single 8GB stick.

620 w power supply from cooler master but it's old

Not a good brand of PSU even when new I`m afraid and could be the cause of the problem, not being able to provide enough clean and stable power for the GPU for example.
My mb has an integrated video chip , at least , if you mean that it can work independently with the CPU..

My ram is two 4 gb sticks

I get a no signal from the monitor , I can't even see the bios , but I am pretty sure the PC gets boot up entirely

I can open my PC case and work with the parts safely , if I need to do some work there , you can tell me.
Sorry but to be best placed to help you we need the exact MB details which you can obtain by opening up the computer and getting them off the MB itself, we need to be able to check the specs to see if there is any integrated graphics available

Couple of questions;

Are you ok with working inside of a computer, this includes knowing all of the safety steps you need to take.

Do you get a BIOS screen or do you get a black screen and No Signal message right from when you power up the computer.

Do you know if your MB has an integrated video chip.

Is your RAM two 4GB sticks or a single 8GB stick.

Not a good brand of PSU even when new I`m afraid and could be the cause of the problem, not being able to provide enough clean and stable power for the GPU for example.
My mb has an integrated video chip , at least , if you mean that it can work independently with the CPU..

My ram is two 4 gb sticks

I get a no signal from the monitor , I can't even see the bios , but I am pretty sure the PC gets boot up entirely

I can open my PC case and work with the parts safely , if I need to do some work there , you can tell me.
So , I unplugged my gpu and then started the PC with the on board graphics and it worked fine , then I plugged my gpu again and it works fine.. sometimes technology is confusing.. thanks for your time and the fast response
Glad to hear that all is now well with your computer and thank you for letting us know (y)

sometimes technology is confusing.. thanks for your time and the fast response

Agree with you 100% and based on the steps that you took it is entirely possible that the GPU just needed to be reseated so that there was a good contact between the gold finger on the card and the contacts in the PCI-E slot.

You are welcome btw :)
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