Monitor no longer displays

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PCHF Member
Oct 13, 2020
Windows 10
Prime x370-pro motherboard
Gtx 1060
AMD 1600x

Recently my wife's computer stopped displaying to her monitor. Her monitor has 2 HDMI display ports.
After switching the HDMI cable from port 2 to port 1, and no changes, I opened up a new HDMI cable and tried using that. Again nothing on either display port.

I plugged the original (and after that, the new) cable into her on board graphics on the mobo and the monitor to see if it might be GPU related, still no display.

My next move was to see if it was a monitor issue, so I unplugged one of the monitors from my computer and plugged my pc into her monitor and it worked fine (using her old HDMI) on both monitor ports.

Next move, I powered down her pc and moved her gpu to the lower full graphics port on the motherboard. Still nothing.

So - both her GPU and all mobo graphics are toast?? At the same time?

Any help would be appreciated!
if a PC has an add-on graphics card, the motherboard will automaticallt disable the onboard graphic ports.
so remove the graphics card, than plug the monitor into the onboard HDMI port.

also, the top GPU slot is usually a 16x slot while the lower ones are 4x or 1x so maybe you graphics card only runs in the 16x slot.

so remove the card and try the onboard HDMI.
while the card is out, wipe the contacts and the circuitry and the mobo slot with a soft brush.
reseat the card, change back the monitor cable and try that.
if a PC has an add-on graphics card, the motherboard will automaticallt disable the onboard graphic ports.
so remove the graphics card, than plug the monitor into the onboard HDMI port.

also, the top GPU slot is usually a 16x slot while the lower ones are 4x or 1x so maybe you graphics card only runs in the 16x slot.

so remove the card and try the onboard HDMI.
while the card is out, wipe the contacts and the circuitry and the mobo slot with a soft brush.
reseat the card, change back the monitor cable and try that.
Cleaned the mobo hdmi port, removed gpu with pc off, turned back on, still no different..

Wiped gpu off and tried again in original spot, no luck. It has power from the psu and mobo too so
so it's not the monitor.
and if you removed the add-on GPU and plugged the cable into the mobo HDMI port and still got nothing, that would indicate a mobo fault.

maybe the PC itself is not starting fully - remove the memory, clean that and reseat and try again.
AMD 1600x
This CPU requires a GPU is does not support onboard graphics.

Unless there is a letter G next to the number the CPU will require a GPU.

As per a random Reddit discussion I found this: Basic rule: If it's followed by a G (G, GE, GX...), it has an integrated GPU, if it's not, it doesn't.
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