Monitor display help

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Ishmael sassoon

PCHF Member
Dec 8, 2023

This my build , when i turn on my pc , the cpu light comes on then leaves the ram light comes on then leaved then there is 1 long beep and then 2 short beeps and then boot light stays on , i hooked up my pc to the monitor via hdmi yet no display comes up and idk why , i turned on my pc with only1 ram stick in the second slot but this time my cpu light stays on and my monitor still wont display , i have all my cables hooked up properly so idk what the issue is?I updated my BIOS as well yesterday .
Was the computer working without any issues up until you updated the BIOS yesterday.

Do you get any on screen message at all, No Signal for example.

We can see at least one problem with the spec of the RAM but that to one side atm, the fact that the CPU LED stays lit suggests that there is a problem with the processor.
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