Monitor audio not working

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PCHF Member
Dec 30, 2020
Hi! New to the forums, joined because I'm having an issue with my monitors. I recently (yesterday) switched to a new case since my old one was pretty banged up and the USB ports on the front didn't work, new case is a Kolink Observatory Lite Mesh if that's any use. The audio of both my monitors was fine up until I changed my case. They both always showed up in the audio as their respective monitors, and I've had them connected to my graphics card using 2 HDMI to DisplayPort adapters (I have one HDMI port on my graphics card, but I save it for plugging my Oculus in - yes, I did try plugging my monitor directly into the HDMI and it didn't fix my issue). I had to take apart my PC to put it in the new case so I'm not sure if I just put something in wrong or what, but it worked before with my old case and I don't see how changing my case would make it so my monitors output audio isn't detected. My graphics card is a Radeon RX 550 Series and I'm running Windows 10. If there's anything else you need to know, ask and I'll let you know. Thanks!
I'd like to amend this, the monitor audio works now after I updated my Realtek drivers. However, now my headphones aren't working. Theyre not being detected at all by the PC, whether I plug then in at the front or back jacks. And, even though I updated my Realtek drivers, Realtek (R) Audio isn't showing up on device manager. I've looked around a bit and I can't find an actual solution to this issue, so I'm stuck once again.

Check your settings in windows audio and in your Realtek settings..
Realtek doesn't seem to be installed anymore, I've tried reinstalling it several times and it just isn't going. Headphones don't show up anywhere in Windows sound either. There's quite literally no indication that I've plugged anything in either front or back headphone jacks. I've tried reinstalling Realtek manually in safe mode, but it just causes my PC to go into recovery mode. Nothing I seem to do makes the driver reinstall safely.
Ok So you put your old hardware in a new case, correct? How old is the old hardware? Have you gone back in the case to double check everything? Make sure your mobo is touching the case and your standoff's are setup correctly, also check all your ports..
The old hardware is about 6-7 months old, hard drives are much older but that doesn't seem too relevant for an audio issue. The motherboard is securely in the case, checked this since I had to take the heat sink off a day ago to apply more thermal paste. Didn't actually take the motherboard off while doing that, and audio worked fine before that, so not sure about that. Might triple check that in an hour but I don't believe that's the issue. The ports should be fine. For clarification, I have a B450 Mortar Max motherboard.
Can't edit but would like to add, we've found a temporary but not great solution of plugging my headphones into the monitor (which does send audio to the headphones), but the quality isn't very good and there's constant white noise. I've installed the driver 'Realtek High Definition Audio', but I've had to keep it disabled as enabling it causes my PC to BSOD. Essentially, I'm kind of at a standstill here and don't know what else to do. My fears are that it's a hardware issue, and I've seen other threads around where people are having a similar issue and the issue never gets solved/there is no clear solution other than it just turning out fine at some point.
Downloaded it and my antivirus had a fit over it. Flagged it as a trojan. Should I just go ahead and ignore it?
Yup. Audio still being funky. The whole headphones plugged into monitor thing doesn't bug me as much though, but a fix would be appreciated!
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