Missing MAC Address on Android

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PCHF Member
Apr 7, 2022

So have had this phone for some time. I am just wondering because It's sort of old (LG-G3) what is up with my wifi settings on it. I go to hardware info and there's no MAC address. I bought it used online when I got it. It gave me a few security issues before but the latest is it's inability to connect to the wifi or even stay connected. When I go to Wifi settings nothing shows up and I can't keep the setting to "on". I can trun my bluetooth on, however, and it functions and gives this "Turn Bluetooth on in the upper right corner to see available devices" notice whereas the wifi doesn't show anything in the space where it should say, "Turn wifi on in the upper right corner to see available devices." Thanks!
when was the last time the device was power cycled?

Does the LG-G3 connect to any other Wi Fi networks?

Is the LG-G3 MAC address or name of device showing in the modem or router as having connected?

After you got it did you bother to factory reset it, they may have something installed that may be hindering it?

Checked the Wi Fi setting on the phone and reset them?
when was the last time the device was power cycled?

Does the LG-G3 connect to any other Wi Fi networks?

Is the LG-G3 MAC address or name of device showing in the modem or router as having connected?

After you got it did you bother to factory reset it, they may have something installed that may be hindering it?

Checked the Wi Fi setting on the phone and reset them?
It connects to nothing because the setting won't stay on. This didn't happen until a few years ago not when I bought it. I did factory reset eventually.
I'm not an Android user, only ever Apples, so not much help.

using the Apple analogy, there should be a 'reset network settings' feature, if not, I'd be doing a factory reset of the whole unit as you did before that fixed it.

if still no luck, maybe time to take it to a repair shop, if you think it's worth it, rather than just biting the bullet for a new one. :)
Could be that they WiFi went out and no longer works.

You have checked to see if airplane mode is not on, correct?
Turn airplane mode on/off then see if that clears it up.
Could be that they WiFi went out and no longer works.

You have checked to see if airplane mode is not on, correct?
Turn airplane mode on/off then see if that clears it up.
I can turn on and off my airplane mode and everything else (Bluetooth, data) but just not my WiFi. It continues to say “Turning WiFi on” but never turns on whenever I turn anything else on and off again.
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