Microsoft Windows 10 Fails to work after a given amount of time?

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PCHF Member
Mar 10, 2018
I don't know how else to describe what happens in the title, but I will try my best here. A few months back my PC would cease to function after 10 minutes of use. It would boot properly, and I could use it properly before this amount of time. I would then lose internet connection and my desktop would stop working. I could move my mouse around when I clicked on something it would highlight. But no application would open, or work. Right-clicking resulted in a spinning circle that would eventually lead to a prompt "Microsoft Windows has stopped working. You can either end the process or wait for it to work again." Then would have the option to end it, creating a black screen with nothing there, or a frozen computer.

I have attached my Specs down below. Now at first, I figured that I might have picked up a virus from somewhere. I factory reset my computer as all I do on it is play video games. It worked for a day, then the problem came back again. So I tried it again and it was fine for about a week. Then it stopped once again. So at this point, I knew it wasn't a virus. I thought it had to do with Windows having a compatibility issue with my motherboard or CPU at the time. So after saving up a bit, I was able to afford a new motherboard and CPU (the one listed here). It worked for 6 hours.... only to have the same problem come back up.

I have no idea what it could be at this point. If you would like to know any more specific information, please let me know. I am considering recording until the problem happens, but I'm not sure if the program would work when the problem happens.

Written Specs:

CPU- Ryzen 3 1200 Quad Core 3.1 Mhz
GPU - Gigabyte Windforce 1050Ti 4 Gb
Motherboard - MSI MS-7A34
RAM - Kingston HyperX DDR4 8 GB
PSU - Coolermaster Bronze series

Please let me know if you have experienced a similar problem, can identify what is going on, or have any insight as to what I should do. Thank you so much for your time, and have a great day!


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If you have changed hardware such as a motherboard and cpu you should reinstall windows as it will never work correctly until you do.
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