Recently got a new CPU. I've been getting this Device performance & health thing saying that Microsoft Basic Display Adapter has a driver problem since then.
I ran the troubleshooter in hopes to fix it and get rid of the [!] icon but troubleshooter says it can't find the problem. After googling some stuff, I tried some of the fixes I found like updating Microsoft Basic Display Adapter manually in the Device Manager (it says the best drivers are already installed) and also updating 1050 ti's driver the same way. The [!] is still there. When I dismiss the recommendation, it goes away for that session, but it comes back when I restart.
What could be happening? Is this nothing big and I can just ignore the [!] or something's up? Anything I could do? The [!] is troubling me lol
Thank you!
I ran the troubleshooter in hopes to fix it and get rid of the [!] icon but troubleshooter says it can't find the problem. After googling some stuff, I tried some of the fixes I found like updating Microsoft Basic Display Adapter manually in the Device Manager (it says the best drivers are already installed) and also updating 1050 ti's driver the same way. The [!] is still there. When I dismiss the recommendation, it goes away for that session, but it comes back when I restart.
What could be happening? Is this nothing big and I can just ignore the [!] or something's up? Anything I could do? The [!] is troubling me lol
Thank you!