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PCHF Member
May 30, 2020
So a while back I built my first PC. Since then a few parts have been changed out since then. My current specs are:
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600x
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT
RAM: DDR4 GSKILL RIPJAW x2 8gb (not sure if 3000 or 3200)
PSU: Thermaltake 500w
SSD: WD Blue 500gb

So, it didn't have any issues for a while after I built it, then every once in a while I would get a BSOD. I never looked too deep into the dump files but it was usually something about kernal. Eventually it went from doing this a few times a week, to doing it many times a night, then not at all for a few days. Then it would get bad again. I've read stuff about it being driver issues, but I've checked all my drivers and updated them all. I've even ran multiple clean installs of windows on it, but it never stopped. Ive also swapped out my SSD and GPU just to see, it changed nothing. I'm convinced it must be a hardware issue. I'd like to add that my house, for whatever reason, has weird power. Sometimes (during the day usually) its fine. More often than not though, its very inconsistent. Lights will go dim, or flicker, or they will get very bright. You could even hear the fan in my room get more loud, or quiet as the lights change. I've even noticed one specific time, right as the lights in my room got bright, my PC had a BSOD. I'm embarrassed to say, I do not have a surge protector. Anyone out there have any possible solutions for me? I plan to get a surge protector, and replace mobo and power supply once I have the money. If anyone knows what's most likely to be the issue, please respond. I really want to fix the PC, but I don't want to replace components if they are just going to get damaged again
We can`t do anything without the dmps but fwiw it sounds like you may have more than one issue going on both software and hardware related.

1. Copy any dmp files from C:\Windows\Minidump onto the desktop.
2. Select all of them, right-click on one, and click on Send To> New Compressed (zipped) Folder.
3. Upload the zip folder using the Attach button, bottom left of the dialogue input box

PSU: Thermaltake 500w
This is the prime suspect when it comes to any hardware issues, Thermaltake are on the avoid list and the brand should not be used anywhere near a system that has an add on video card.
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