Macrium Reflect Deleted All My Data, How to Recover it?

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Brandon Byrnes

PCHF Member
Jan 3, 2017
Yesterday i decided to move my boot drive clone to a different drive. i had it originally on a 10TB external drive. One partition for the clone and then another partition for storage. I moved the clone to a different drive, then deleted the clone from the external drive and extended my storage partition. I also thought I had stopped Macrium Reflect from auto backing up the clone, but it turns out I did not stop it. This morning I woke up to discover that Macrium had made another clone on the external drive, it created the clone and then I'm assuming it formated the entire drive becuase now i have the clone and then 9TB of unallocated space on my drive now. Does anyone know how i can recover that data that I'm assuming was formatted over? Long story short, I need a FREE program that can recover data from unallocated space.
Thanks for the reply. I actually already tried using 3 different programs, Stellar Toolkit for Data Recovery, UFS Explorer Professional and GetDataBack Pro. The problem i am having is that the only partition on the disk is the clone backup, the rest of the space is Unallocated space so none of those 3 programs are detecting that unallocated space, so i can't scan it for recoverable files. The only thing I can think of doing is creating a partition so the programs detect something to scan but if I do that won't it further overwrite the data I'm trying to recover?
I just read an article that says Disk Drill can recover data from unallocated space, so I'm trying that right now, and it is detecting the unallocated space and trying to recover the data. wish me luck.
The Minitool software may be the best option.
I mainly use Macrium for disk image & have only cloned Windows to a same size drive.
I believe formatting the unallocated space would overwrite the files.
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I'm letting Disk Drill do it's thing. It says it's got 27hrs to go, to scan and that's not including how long it will take to actually copy the recovered files to another drive. I'll update you in a few days, so please keep this thread open. If all else fails then I'll go ahead and give MiniTool a try but Disk Drill seems to be working.
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