Solved Low performance, lag and massive FPS drops after a new GPU

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PCHF Member
Sep 7, 2020
So recently I've purchased a brand new Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1650 GPU. After installing it and getting the driver set up.. I launched CS:GO to test things out. When I spawned the game started lagging so bad that it was unplayable. My FPS was sometimes as low as 4-5. I went to settings and started testing out different settings. But nothing changed. Even on the lowest settings.. the game is still unplayable. After that I launched Sleeping Dogs. I had an average of 24 FPS when running the game's benchmark. The lowest was 13. But also when I wanted to test out different settings.. an awful crackling noise started to appear. It was terrible. So my question is... why can't my PC run games well when I have the system for them?

My PC:

OS: Windows 10 64bit
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965
RAM: 4GB Dual
Memory: 1TB Seagate Barracuda HDD
No I didn't.
Although my pc stays quiet, no matter what I do. So I don't think anything would overheat. But I'll check it.

Actually I've done a bottleneck calculation, and the results were pretty bad. 80% on 1080p. Could it be my CPU being old, and weak? Is there any fix to that? Besides getting a stronger CPU?
Since you have that bottle neck with the cpu test,that would hard or impossible to fix without a new cpu,if your mobo is compatible..
Can you post the brand and model name or number of the power supply (PSU).

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
Alright! I'll do it today when I can! Thanks!
My power supply is an aqprox 500W which I got last year.
Apologies for the delay, not been able to be around for a few days :(

You have a couple of issues going on I`m afraid;

The PSU is of low quality, offers poor performance and should not be used anywhere near a computer that has anything more than an entry level add on video card.

The issues that Speccy is telling us are below and in the order they are list;

4,00GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 334MHz (5-5-5-15)

You have the incorrect RAM for your CPU and this is resulting in a bottleneck, your CPU needs at least DDR2-1066 (533MHz) but you have two sticks of Kingmax PC2-5300 (333 MHz) in the board which only translates to 666MHz in dual channel, your CPU specs are here should you wish to check this for yourself.

Operating System
Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Computer type: Desktop
Installation Date: 2020. 05. 26. 11:45:04

There are no Windows 10 drivers available for your motherboard and a board cannot/will not function properly without at least the chipset drivers being installed right after Windows itself has been installed.

What drivers have you installed for your MB.

Power Profile
Active power scheme: Teljesítménycentrikus

Can you translate the above into English for us please, if it means performance in any way at all that would be bad and especially since there is a sub standard PSU connected to the computer.

CPU CORE: 0.992 V
+3.3V: 3.328 V
+12V: 12.224 V

-12V: -0.256 V
-5V: -0.384 V

A couple of the PSU voltages are shown to be too high (red) and the two in blue are borderline, this could be down to the PSU and for the reasons explained above.
Thanks! I appreciate the detailed review.

So basically my PSU and RAMs are too weak, right? I got the PSU last year when there was still an older, much weaker video card in my pc. What kind of PSU would you recommend?

Also my RAMs are old as well. So it comes no surpise for me. What about the CPU-GPU bottleneck? Isn't my CPU too weak for my Geforce GTX 1650?

Teljesítménycentrikus means 'performance based'.
The PSU is weak but the RAM is just slow due to it being old spec.

You have two different specs of RAM in 400MHz and 333MHz and neither of these is appropriate for your CPU which as mentioned previously needs a minimum of 533MHz which equates to 1066MHz when running in dual channel.

The 333MHz is btw making matters worse as it causing the 400MHz RAM to be clocked backwards to the slower 333MHz which is what unfortunately happens and there is no way of changing this.

Your CPU was a very good processor in its day & is in no way responsible for causing a bottleneck with the GTX 1650, the RAM is 100% causing a complete bottleneck.

I did get a translation saying that Teljesítménycentrikus meant performance in English but needed to ask as Windows normally says High Performance, regardless, the Windows Power Plan needs to be changed to Balanced as Performance is a form of overclocking that causes stability and overheating issues, neither are good for the present PSU.

Due to the very limited upgrade options of the RAM in the MB I would suggest that you think twice about purchasing a new PSU for use with the present components, a better PSU will certainly protect your GPU and other hardware but it will in no way improve anything performance wise.

You are welcome btw :)
Well yes. I've discovered other additional problems.
The first one is that sometimes my pc just freezes for about 3-5 seconds. Not only when gaming, but also when just browsing the net. Just a quick stall, then it is back again.

Another weird thing is that a few times after starting my pc, instead of displaying the usual windows logo, the screen simply turns off. This has also happened after sleep mode. When it happens I have to restart my pc (sometimes twice) to make it work again/get it booted up properly.

The final strange problem I have is when watching a video on Youtube, sometimes it starts lagging massively at the beginning then the video stops about 3-4 times and at the last stop the screen turns all black or all white then the video plays well without any problems.

I think these problems are related to my other problems, but I'm not sure.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but without the correct spec of RAM and an appropriate PSU you will be unable to resolve any of the issues that you are having I`m afraid :(
That's okay! One last question though.
Could you suggest me a type of PSU (as in brand,power etc.) and also what kinds of RAMs would be the best for my system? I'm thinking of actually replacing my 4x1GB old RAMs with only one which is 8GB. How many MHz should it have? And also DDR3, DDR4 or DDR5? My GPU has DDR5 but my motherboard has only DDR2.
Be happy to suggest a PSU for you but what you are asking about the RAM is more important atm.

Even if such a thing was available you could not use an 8GB stick of RAM in your MB, the specs for the board here say that it can handle up to 16GB of RAM but the memory support list here only has sticks of up to 2GB on it, either way it will be an expensive upgrade, four sticks of matching DDR2 RAM which is the only type that is compatible with your board will cost almost €130 if you purchase from Amazon US here if you go to Amazon within the EU here you are looking at €437.84 :eek:

Also adding to what Phil stated, having an old hard drive installed in that desktop will also cause a bottleneck when playing games including FPS drops and low performance.

In order to get the most performance out of that desktop you would need to max the RAM to a total of 8 GB's and install an SSD into that desktop along with getting a better power supply for improved power delivery.

You may want to consider pulling out the GPU and getting a brand new more modern system with a faster CPU and faster RAM that is using DDR4. DDR2 RAM is over 10 years old now and upgrading the RAM and installing an SSD and new power supply is already going to cost a few hundred dollars and your CPU will become the bottleneck and is not very good since the Phenom II series was released back in 2010.
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