Low CPU Usage, High GPU Usage

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PCHF Member
Oct 12, 2023
Hello! Thanks to everyone in advanced
I bought a pre built PC not too long ago. Didn’t know much about them, but as I started to learn I started to upgrade. I upgraded from a Nvidia 3070 to a 3090. One I did this, I started to notice the system felt slower. At the time I was running a Ryzen 7 5700. I have since upgraded to a Ryzen 9 5950x, based on what I had read online, this was most compatible with a 3090. Once installed it almost felt worse. I adjusted a few things in BIOS, but still just doesn’t feel worth the money spent on the upgrade. I mostly play Apex legends. GPU usage is always close to 100% but CPU usage stays around 10% and runs cold at 115 degree F. I have 32gb of ram at 3200mhz. Anyone have any recommendations on what I could tweak and or a better product that I’m not seeing online to work well with the 3090? Appreciate any advice anyone has. Thank you
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