Logitech K585 CMD button on Mac no longer working

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PCHF Member
Jul 5, 2023
OK so I have this setup with my personal mac and my windows computers connected to a KSM using a logitech k585 keyboard.
All was well until there was a bluetooth issue today, fixed it, but now my logitcech keyboard has issues with the mac.
When I hit the CMD button and try to copy or paste, I get √ç≈ and so fourth.
Yes, I have gone to Sys Prefer>Keyboard>Modifer, yes I have checked and yes they are set correctly.
Yes I have toggled, switched, done all that, NOTHING works.
The only thing that helped, I switched the CTRL button to be CMD, now I can cut and paste with CTRL like I would with CMD; yet CMD itself STILL WILL NOT WORK.
Yes my mac is up to date.?
Worse, my typing at times stops, like the connection has been lost, so I have to turn off the power button on the KSM switch then turn it back on.
Is there anything I can do, or do I have to accept the CMD will never work as intended again because either Mac or Logitech or the KSM suck?
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while we wait for the Speccy report.... (won't work on a Mac)

what is a KSM switch? do you mean KVM switch?
have you tried a different keyboard, like an actual Mac one to see if its CMD button works? in case the Logitech CMD key has simply failed.
and what is with the KVM switch - do you have two systems, a Mac and a PC?
have you tried taking the switch out of the equation?
the K585 is both USB and Bluetooth connectable. Bluetooth to one PC and put the USB receiver in the other and toggle which PC you want to 'drive' by the F11 and F12 keys (it looks like).
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