Logitech drops the 'tech' with new Logi products

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PCHF Tech News
Jan 10, 2015

To appeal to a younger generation, the world's largest maker of computer peripherals is undergoing a major rebranding. Logitech announced that it will be dropping the "tech" from its name as it moves into the home automation space.

Under the direction of Alastair Curtis, Logitech's Chief Design Officer who came from Nokia, the company's teaser video utilizes a lot of bold primary colors, similar to what Nokia, now Microsoft Mobile, uses on its Lumia line of Windows Phone.

"Logitech has undergone huge changes, so we've created an identity that is an expression of who we are today and who we will be moving forward," said Curtis, in the a statement. "A company transformation of this magnitude should come with an equally bold transformation of its brand."

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CO6PJ6IWFI
More products and more product categories

Since its early days of making keyboards and mice for computers, Logi has evolved to create lifestyle accessories, like the Bluetooth-enabled UE Boom speakers and the Logitech Harmony home remote control. Now, with the branding, Logi teased that it will introduce "some twists and a few surprises in new categories" with new products.


"We've been reinventing Logitech, creating products that strive to blend advanced technology and design to bring you amazing experiences," said Bracken Darrell, Logitech President and CEO, in a statement.

Logi did not disclose what the new product categories will be, but Curtis said that we'll see the new branding efforts on Internet of Things products. In this space, Logi will compete against Belkin, which makes similar keyboard accessories for mobile products and has a WeMo line of home automation products.

Despite the consumer-facing rebranding efforts, Logi's company name will remain Logitech International. Legacy products, like computer and mice, will also continue with the full Logitech branding.

The rebranding effort has been under development for the past two years, Darrell revealed. The project is part of the CEO's efforts to turn the company around. Although the company's stock price is rebounding from a low in late 2012, Logitech still has a long ways to go to reach the peak it achieved at the end of 2007. Logitech stock closed 45 cents lower at $14.26 (£9.28, AU$19.20) at the end of Wednesday.


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