Solved Locking on startup

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PCHF Member
Mar 16, 2024
Det här är andra gången som det här händer på två olika datorer.
Första gången fick jag installera om allt på dartorn.
Den här gången tänkte jag höra om någon sett det här och vet hur man kan åtgärda det.
Efter att ha loggat in på datorn med lösenord så kommer en vit skärm med windows symboler upp.
Där går det inte att göra något.
Det ser ut som om skärmen är för liten för bilden.

Tacksam för svar
34 / 5 000

It might be easier in English :LOL:
This is the second time this has happened on two different computers.
The first time I had to reinstall everything on the computer.
This time I thought I'd hear if anyone has seen this and knows how to fix it.
After logging in to the computer with a password, a white screen with windows symbols appears.
Nothing can be done there.
I’ve not seen this personally so I’ll have to check further, some questions:
Is this seen before or after logging in?
When did the problem start?
Are you using a Microsoft or local account to log in?
Have you set the pc to automatically log in at any time?
If you click on either icon does anything happen?
Does the problem still occur in safe mode?
Do you regularly use disk imaging software like Macrium? If not then I would seriously recommend doing so once The problem is resolved.
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The problem comes after login.
the problem came without warning after starting the computer.
It worked yesterday but not today.
It's probably local login. default to log in as a user.
I have not set the computer to automatic login.
Nothing happens when I click on the icons.
I've run safe mode but it doesn't show any errors.
removed recent updates as well.
Now it works. !!
After a couple of restarts, the computer wanted to download updates.
I let it do that and install them.
After restarting, I got in.
I'll check out Macrium. seems like a good idea.
Thanks anyway.
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