Locked out of my Windows account

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  • Hello everyone We want to personally apologize to everyone for the downtime that we've experienced. We are working to get everything back up as quickly as possible. Due to the issues we've had, your password will need to be reset. Please click the button that says "Forgot Your Password" and change it. We are working to have things back to normal. Emails are fixed and should now send properly. Thank you all for your patience. Thanks, PCHF Management
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PCHF Member
Feb 12, 2022

Recently I built a PC, using an old HDD as my hard drive. Everything works fine, but when I go to log in, it is asking for my Windows password, (Windows 10). I have no idea what my password is, I've always used a PIN to log in. There is no option to use a PIN to log in. I was able to change my Windows password to something I do know, however my computer is stuck in airplane mode, so it's not connected to the internet to realize the new password. The airplane mode button is greyed out and when I click on it, it does nothing.
I have tried everything I could think of over the past several weeks to try and unlock this thing. I've replaced the motherboard battery in case that was an issue. I tried going into the BIOS, safe mode, reinstalled Windows, still nothing has worked. I tried connecting a ethernet cord from my motherboard to my modem, still no internet. I've asked tech support from Microcenter, Windows, Microsoft, and Best Buy, none of them could figure it out.
How can I disable airplane mode without admin privileges?
Unfortunately, due to legal and the rules that you have agreed to we cannot assist with by passing the password.

Understand that the assistance we be able to offer will be limited.

How can I disable airplane mode without admin privileges?
Everywhere I have looked states that you have to have admin rights.

Are you clicking on the airplane in the Notification area?
Have you tried in the Network section?

Do you have another user account on that system that you can use?
Yes I tried clicking airplane mode in the notification area. It is greyed out and when I click on it, nothing happens. The network option does not show up, in fact, the only thing that shows is the greyed out airplane mode button. No I do not have another account on the computer to use.
When you go into settings then Network and Internet?

Have you checked in Device Manager to make sure that the network is listed there and not disabled?

Can you run a command prompt as Admin?
I cannot get into settings, I’m stuck at the log in screen. I can’t get into device manager for the same reason. I tried running command prompt, but I need the Windows log in to do so.
One other thing would check if the BIOS to see if for some reason the network has been disabled.

when you enter in the password, and it tells you wrong you click OK
Just below the test box should be Password Rest have you tried that.

Other than that, we are out of options.
Hey thanks Rusty for re-opening it. I went into the BIOS and enabled PCI network and wake up on LAN. Still stuck on airplane mode and the ethernet cable from the modem is still not giving it internet. Should I do something else in the BIOS?

I did re-set my password through another device, but since my computer is stuck in airplane mode, it doesn’t recognize the new password.
Until the system gets past the login screen will not.

If you happen to have a Live version of Linux around, you boot from that and see if it recognizes the network.

If it does then this will tell us if it is the hardware or issue with the windows installation.

Linux Mint can be used on a 16 GB or whatever size USB drive no need to install. When creating the drive, it will wipe the information off.

If you need it here is where you can get and create the install media for Windows 10.
Hey I followed the Linux link and booted it from a USB. It did not recognize the network. I’ve never used Linux with this hard drive.
Yeah it loaded to a desktop. Okay, I ordered a new network port. I’ll let you know what happens when it comes and I install it. Thanks!
Hey Rustys the network port came today and I installed it. Linux loads to the desktop but still doesn’t recognize the network.
For some reason after I reinstalled Windows it still kept my old account that I’m locked out of.
what process did you use for the clean install of Windows?
do you have the Windows image on a USB stick and double clicked the setup.exe file to start the process?
or did you use the USB stick to boot from, and Windows started the install process automatically as the USB stick was the primary boot device?

the later is better as it allows you to manually delete all the current partitions, effectively wiping all previous Windows files.
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