Solved Letters in software appear blurry

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Luis Benitez

PCHF Member
Feb 10, 2022
Hello all! I have this ongoing problem for the last year but in some programs, letters appear to be blurry and it's really bugging me. I've tried changing the resolution, using the native display resolution everything but no dice. Any help?

I'm using an AOC monitor LE32M1370 with an HDMI cable with a video card Geforce GTX 1660.

EDIT: Oh yes I forgot, problem with this is that while running other things that AREN'T blurry and moving my mouse around appears to change the effect

have you tried another HDMI cable?
or another cable that the monitor and GTX1660 has, like DVI or DP?

have you tried another monitor?
have you tried another HDMI cable?
or another cable that the monitor and GTX1660 has, like DVI or DP?

have you tried another monitor?
Yes, tried 3 diferent HDMI cables, all with the same problem

Also tried in the different HDMI ports available both in the TV and the Graphics Card, also the same issue.

The thing is, everything works "fine" except some desktop apps/programs that I use that have this issue. For example, google chrome and firefox look fine, but brave browser doesn't. Zoom calls and UI seem fine, but Microsoft Teams' letters are all blurried or out of focus. Steam's UI looks fine, Epic Games' one doesn't. It's not ALL apps but some and it's really annoying.

The person in this post had the same issue but thread was closed due to inactivity I guess.
Is the screen blurry all over or just the pop ups?
Have you tried turning on clear type?
Hi! Yes I've tried turning it off and on, the windows settings that "fixes blurry apps" also on and off and no changes. I'm not sure what you mean by "pop-ups" but if you watch the second video from the thread I posted and the second picture I uploaded, it's the UI itself that seems to have that problem.

Everytime I move my mouse and hover something, it changes either to normal or blurry.
The notification area messages. Is it just these which are blurred or the whole screen?
Do you have another monitor or even a TV to see if the problem is with the monitor or the pc?
The notification area messages. Is it just these which are blurred or the whole screen?
Do you have another monitor or even a TV to see if the problem is with the monitor or the pc?
It's not notifications, is part of the software. Just parts of it, not the whole screen. I don't have another monitor or TV to try but wouldn't it be a software problem since it shows on the print? It doesn't seem like a physical problem
Have you tried uninstalling the software completely using Revo uninstaller free, running their scan for leftovers then reinstalling the software?
Have you contacted the software’s developer?
Is there any update to the software?
Have you tried uninstalling the software completely using Revo uninstaller free, running their scan for leftovers then reinstalling the software?
Have you contacted the software’s developer?
Is there any update to the software?
I didn't try that but isn't it kinda pointless? As in, it's not a specific program, there are multiple programs having this issue
here's a left field suggestion, based on your statement that the blurriness changes as you move the mouse.
could if be electrical interference being picked up in the HDMI cable, or mouse cable?

what's the mouse - USB or wireless?
if wifi, try moving its USB receiver to a port furtherest away from the HDMI port.
if USB, do the same, move it elsewhere.

and the HDMI cable, try and relocate it away from all the other cables, especially power.

just some wild ideas, don't really expect to get lucky :)
Here are some other ideas (in no particular order) so they can help you.

Does the same thing happen when using a different user account?

Try a Clean Boot.

Check the refresh rate on monitor and for display settings?

Complete system specs will be extremally helpful.

Speccy report?

Do not forget to post the make and model of the PSU if this is a desktop.

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.

R/R display drivers using DDU?

Maybe system file checker?
here's a left field suggestion, based on your statement that the blurriness changes as you move the mouse.
could if be electrical interference being picked up in the HDMI cable, or mouse cable?

what's the mouse - USB or wireless?
if wifi, try moving its USB receiver to a port furtherest away from the HDMI port.
if USB, do the same, move it elsewhere.

and the HDMI cable, try and relocate it away from all the other cables, especially power.

just some wild ideas, don't really expect to get lucky :)
Hi! I tried this and no difference, sadly. Mouse is usb receiver and is far away but the mouse itself isn't the problem as I eventried Keyboard only and, again. no difference.
Here are some other ideas (in no particular order) so they can help you.

Does the same thing happen when using a different user account?

Try a Clean Boot.

Check the refresh rate on monitor and for display settings?

Complete system specs will be extremally helpful.

Speccy report?

Do not forget to post the make and model of the PSU if this is a desktop.

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.

R/R display drivers using DDU?

Maybe system file checker?
Hello! Tried as follows

Different user profile and same problem

Refresh rate is 60.0015 Hz and no ther option avaliable, although i messed around in the NVIDIA panel and set it in 30Hz only choppier image but no difference in the blurry/out of focus area

speccy report is here:

System file checker fixed some damaged/corrupt files, rebooted and still the same issue

DDU and deleted Display Drivers, and rebooted machine and 1024x768 problems seems to be gone, but also drivers haha

Windows 10 automatically update and so far, problems seem to be gone. Opened known programs that had this issue and there have been no signs of it happening.

Thanks! DDU seemed to have been the solution!
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